You can also read in the following languages => ¿Cómo salir de las deudas? 如何摆脱债务? कर्ज से कैसे बाहर निकलें? கடன் பிரச்சினையில் இருந்து வெளியே வருவது எப்படி? – அவரை நம்பு
The LORD your God will bless you as he has promised. You will lend money to many nations but will never need to borrow. (NLT) – The Bible
My Dear Friend, God wants to fulfill this promise in your life. Are you stuck in deep debt and trying to come out of it? Are you running away from your creditors? You might be eagerly searching for peace in your life and seeking comfort from your friends and relatives. If you are in this situation, please go through the below points.
We want to pray with you at the end of this message.
Please consider the following before you make your next move:
1. Simply because you have incurred major debt does not mean your life is over. You can come back in life. However big your debt is, Jesus can help you. He can change your situation. He can give you new hope and fill your life with peace. Do not lose your hope. There is nothing impossible for Jesus. Do not look at your situation, but look at God, who is bigger and powerful than your situation and problem. The Bible says Surely the arm of the LORD is not too short to save, nor his ear too dull to hear. He will bring you out. Jesus can bring you out. Trust Him. Let’s lift our eyes and pray to Him.
2. Keep your health and mind intact. It would be best if you had a sound mind to think and good health to go through this tough situation. Do not keep thinking about your past decisions and wrong choices made in the past. This could make you mentally ill. Ask forgiveness to God if you have made mistakes in the past and spent your money unwisely, such as gambling. Jesus will forgive you and fill your heart with heavenly peace. God never reminds you of your past mistakes. He cares for you. He wants to help you. Please take care of your physical and mental health and eat well. The challenges will go through will pass away very soon.
3. Your creditors might be chasing you down, and you might be experiencing abuse and shame. But do not lose hope. Humble your heart before God and seek His face. Though the storm rises above your head, God will cover you under His wings, protect you, and lead you. Everything will change very soon, and your life will become normal once again. Jesus will give you wise words to speak and manage the current situation.
Before we continue praying for you, we encourage you to participate in our free five-day “Journey to freedom from debt” email program. To subscribe, fill out the form below. You can unsubscribe at any time. If you are not interested, please continue to read. We want to pray along with you.
4. Learn to accept the mistakes and not to repeat them. If you have made the wrong choice in life and that has become a reason for your debt, accept your mistakes and make a note not to repeat them in the future. Determine to consult Jesus before making any important future decisions in life. The decision could be related to starting a new business, investments, a change of job, or any other important decision. Jesus knows our future. He can guide and help us to make the right decision. Seek His counsel always before making any financial decisions.
5. Sit down and prepare a list to understand how much you owe and to whom. Out of the list find out which one has the highest interest. Make all the attempts to clear the debt which has the highest interest. Higher-interest loans can quickly grow and go beyond our reach.
6. Stop using credit cards and start running your life debt-free with the money you have. However small it may be, it can be learned to live within the budget. This means a much simpler life with a reduced budget.
7. Find a job, if you don’t have one. Cut down your expenses to the bare minimum till you pay off your debt.
8. To reduce the abuse from creditors make all the effort to sell off what you have and pay it off. You can earn everything back. But right now you need mental peace and freedom from debt.
9. As a family, trust in the Lord. Spend time with God and pray together as a family every day. God will surely answer your prayers when you wait on His presence as a family.
10. You and your family need God’s help to overcome the situation. Commit your life to God and accept God as your master.
Dear Friend, I know this is one of your toughest moments. God will surely bring you out of your situation. Follow him with all your heart. Let’s pray together. Place your hand on your heart and believe Jesus can change your debt situation. He is going to release you from your situation. Let’s pray. Could you say the following prayer in your own words?
Dear Jesus, You know my situation. I am in debt. I don’t have anyone to help me. I have made the wrong choices and decisions without consulting you. I am so sorry. Please forgive me. Please come into my life and change my situation. I trust in you alone. You alone can change my situation and solve my problem. I plead before you with tears. Jesus, please help me and release me from the debt. I am going through difficult moments. Please fill me with your heavenly peace. I believe you can bring me out of this situation. I surrender my life to you. Please be my God and lead me. Let me follow you all my days. In Jesus’s name, I pray. Amen.
Dear Friend, Jesus wants to make you His own child. Ask for forgiveness for your past life. Jesus will forgive you. He will renew your life and lead you like a father leads His own child. Please humble your heart and pray to Jesus. If you want to know how you can become a child of Jesus, you can read here =>
Have you accepted Christ and want to know how to follow Him? To know more you can read here =>
We are praying for you. Jesus will surely bring peace and joy in your life. He will release you from all your problems. May God bless you and make you a blessing for many.
We would like to pray for you. You can send your prayer requests to by clicking the below contact us link. It will open the default email box in your mobile or laptop. Jesus will answer our prayers and lift you up. He deeply cares for your future. Believe Him.
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Hunger have made me bought food on credit in my street am losing it pls i need help or call me faith 09037853480 GOD SEND ME HELPER
Dear Friend, we are praying for you. Jesus loves you. He knows your heartache and the situation you are going through. He will surely help you to overcome your difficult financial situation. Do not worry. Hold on to Jesus.
The Bible says, “If you say, “The Lord is my refuge,” and you make the Most High your dwelling, no harm will overtake you, no disaster will come near your tent.“
I owe too much and keeps growing. My salary is failing now to pay just the interest. I need help from God on my own I can’t do it. I don’t know what to do. I have prayed and fasted just waiting on God. The situation keeps getting worse, I feel depressed and not sure what to do.
Dear RM, Jesus will show you a way though there seems to be no way. He is our hope and our guide. Let’s pray to Him. The Bible says, “Ask me and I will tell you remarkable secrets you do not know about things to come.” Let ask Him. He is our answer.
I am a Nigerian and the harsh economic situation of the country led me to taking loans that I cannot pay back now. These loans are overly due and the creditors are threatening me. I have committed everything to God. I have prayed and fasted for a month yet no direction. Instead, things became worse and this has really affected me mentally and it is affecting my job. At the moment, I have 2 days from now to pay a debt of 3million naira if not, my profile will be all over the media. I am weak and seek God’s miracoulous intervention.
Dear Friend, Jesus loves you. Let’s go to His presence and pray to Him. We are praying along with you. God will open a door for you.
I owe bank ksh500000, I have received several letters from the bank demanding their money yet I have no any other sources of income to clear all this money.
The only action remaining is to issue an auction letter.
Please God help me , sometimes I even feel like dying or taking alcohol.
Dear Sulieman, Jesus loves you. He knows the financial difficulties you are going through. Do not worry. . Jesus will show you a way. He is our hope amid hopeless situations. We are praying for you. Jesus can change your life.
I am deep in debt…I’m so afraid. I don’t know how to come out. I have no job or resources to get out. I have no one to help me but God..Its taking a huge toll on my health and happiness . I’m praying for opportunities to come my way that will help me get out of this financial mess. I’m so depressed and have hit rock bottom…lord please help me…I trust you…you cannot fail,you cannot lie and your word cannot return to you void… lord hear me… this is too much for me
Dear Friend, let’s lift up our eyes to the hill from where our help come from. Our help come from the Lord, who created the heaven and the earth. He will not let your foot slip. He will surely hold you in His arms. Let’s pray to Him. Jesus will lead you. Please continue to hold on to Him.
I’m in deep debt. And suffering from depression. I’ve been entertaining thought of suicide and it’s becoming very intense that i might do it aby moment. The worst part is that my wife is pregnant and almost due for delivery and i don’t have money to take care of her and the baby.. I’m scared to my bones.. my thoughts are saturated with suicide.. i might kill myself because this is too much for me.. can i survive this? Please i need help.!
Dear Ebuka, We are praying for you. May the God of peace fill your life with peace and show you a way. He knows how to lead you and your dear family. Please hold on to Him. He is a good shepherd. Let’s call upon His name. He is a God who answers our prayers.
Thank you for this. I believe strongly that God would come through for me because He’s my only hope now that I can’t get help from people around me. Please keep praying for me. God bless.
Dear Olisa, we are praying for you. Jesus is our hope and answer to all our prayers. Please continue to hold on to Him. May Jesus bless you and make you a blessing for many.
Pls pray for me. I’m owing around 300$.
Dear Friend, we are praying for you. Jesus will answer the prayers. He will show you a way. Do not worry.
Thank you! I needed to hear this. Please pray for me. I know this will be over soon. I know Jesus will help mw get out of my debt.
We are praying for you. Jesus loves you. He will show you a way to come out of the financial difficulties.
I’m in deep debt. And suffering from depression. I’ve been entertaining thought of suicide and it’s becoming very intense that i might do it aby moment. The worst part is that my wife is pregnant and almost due for delivery and i don’t have money to take care of her and the baby.. I’m scared to my bones.. my thoughts are saturated with suicide.. i might kill myself because this is too much for me.. can i survive this? Please i need help.!