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Humbleness that moves the Heart of Jesus




Dear friend, There are many precious currencies in this world. The heart of every man strives hard to earn more and more of the earthly currencies. What is the most valuable currency in heaven? What can move the heart of God and get the answer to our prayers? Our prayers become valuable in God’s sight when we humble our hearts before God. A humble man can move the heart of Jesus. Are you worried today that your problems are not resolving? 

The Bible says, “God opposes the proud but shows favor to the humble“. - James 4:6

Why is Humbleness so Valuable in Heaven?

The very first sin that was committed in the entire universe happened when Lucifer proudly wanted to make himself above God. Lucifer was expelled from God’s presence because there was no place for pride in heaven. No one with a proud heart can enter the kingdom of heaven. Jesus came to this world to show that. Though He is God, Jesus humbled himself and came to earth as a man. He submitted to the will of His Father until his death on the cross. Hence, God raised Him up and lifted the name of Jesus higher than any other name. 

While the disciples of Jesus were focusing on who would sit on the right and the left side of Heaven’s throne, Jesus showed true humbleness by washing the feet of His disciples. When the disciples asked Jesus, who would be the greatest in Heaven, He said, “Whoever is the least among you is the greatest“. In other words, a person who humbles himself before others and before God will be considered the greatest in Heaven. Humbleness is a character of God. Heaven is filled with it. The prayer of a humble man is most valuable in Heaven.

On the other hand, pride is a character of Satan. He injects his character into everyone so that they will lose the grace of God. God hates the proud. We have an option to choose which character we want to inherit today. 

Humbleness moves the Heart of Jesus

The Bible mentions the life of King Manasseh. He was one of the evil kings who ruled the kingdom of Judah. He killed many innocent people. Manasseh did the most detestable things against God by doing human sacrifice. God judged Manasseh for his evil behavior. He was arrested by the Assyrian king. They put a ring through his nose and tied him to the bronze chain. Manasseh was taken to Babylon as a prisoner. During his troubled time, Manasseh humbled his heart and cried to God. The heart of God moved. He listened to Manasseh’s prayers. 

The Bible says, "The Lord spoke to Manasseh and to his people, but they paid no attention. Therefore the Lord brought upon them the commanders of the army of the king of Assyria, who captured Manasseh with hooks and bound him with chains of bronze and brought him to Babylon. And when he was in distress, he entreated the favor of the Lord his God and humbled himself greatly before the God of his fathers." - 2 Chronicles 33:10-12

God released Manasseh from His bondage and forgave all his past mistakes. God gave him one more chance in his life. Manasseh became king of Judah once again. He turned back from His evil behavior. He destroyed all the evil practices in the country. He removed all the pagan altars and glorified god during his life. Eventually, Manasseh ruled Judah for fifty-five years, much longer than any other king of Judah.

The Bible says, “Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up“. This verse was so true in the life of Manasseh. It is true in our lives, too. The God who lifted Manasseh will lift us up too.

Dear friend, are you stuck in bondage? Jesus wants to release you. He wants to forgive your past. Would you humble your heart right now? Ask Jesus to forgive your past and release you from all your obsessions and struggles. Jesus wants to lift you up. 

We may not have precious currencies in this world. But We have the heavenly currency of humbleness. Are we ready to humble our hearts before God and man?

Let’s pray to God and humble our life before Him.

Dear Jesus, I learned today about humbleness. I know you hate the pride but give grace to humble. I realized humbleness is your character. Please take away the pride of my life. I want to be humble. I want your grace. Please release me from all my obsessions and bondages. I want to be your child. Please lift me up. I surrender myself before you. Jesus, please forgive my past mistakes. Forgive my pride in my past life. I want to be your child and follow you all my life. I pray in Jesus’s name, Amen.

For further reference => Prayer and Humility (biblehub.com)

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