God Knows Your Name

God says, “Do not be afraid, for I have ransomed you. I have called you by name; you are mine” Dear friend, Jesus knows your name. It is very special to Him. Very very special. God is carrying you in His arms every day. It is that special. God calls …

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God is in Control. We don’t have to worry

Jesus said, “Don’t be afraid! I am the First and the Last. I am the living one. I died, but look—I am alive forever and ever” Many people claim that Satan is ruling and suppressing this world. They think that God is not in control at all. But in reality, …

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You can read the great testimonies of what Jesus has done for the others who went through similar situation as yours. God can surely do the same for you too. Read the testimonies here to know more about what Jesus can do for you.

Humble your heart before the Lord. Connect with Jesus today. God is waiting for you. Please do not let this time slip away without making a decision to follow Christ.

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