Feeling Hopeless? God of Miracle wants to touch your life

This is an easy thing in the eyes of the Lord, – 2 Kings 3:18 ESV. Dear Friend, how are you doing? We are so happy to write to you in February—a new month with new hope and promises. God wishes to bless you and fill your life with peace …

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Knowing God – He is a God who listens to your prayers.

Listening is a rare gift. Usually, we quickly give our opinions, advice, and reasoning. We use the words “I understand” frequently without understanding other people’s situations and the reality. Sometimes, we quickly give our advice when others don’t need it. Finding someone with whom we can confidently unload all our …

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Knowing God – He is slow to anger

Dear Friend, Thank you so much for joining us again in our journey to knowing God. We often portray God as a God of love and God of Mercy. We meditate upon His grace, faithfulness, and His compassion. But our Lord also gets angry. He gets angry when he sees the injustice against the destitute, …

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Knowing God – He is everlasting and eternal God

Dear friend, we warmly welcome you to our journey to know God more. If you have missed our previous meditation on God’s attributes, you can catch all of them at Knowing God. It is a great joy to know and grow in the knowledge of Jesus. He owns the heavens and …

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Knowing God – He is a faithful God

Dear Friend, Have you prayed for a long time and yet, not received answers? The Bible says, “He who promised is faithful.” – Hebrew 10:23. Do not be tired. God is faithful. He will answer the prayer if our prayer is according to His will. Your prayers and your tears will never be …

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Knowing God – He is a prince of Peace

Jesus said, Peace, I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid. – John 14:24 ESV Dear friend, We are continuing our Journey of Knowing God. We are going to discuss …

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Knowing God – Like a father, Jesus loves us all | Believe Him

Dear friend, Thanks for joining with us today. We are embarking on the journey of knowing God. You might know about your friends. We always take pride in knowing about famous people. We take every opportunity to take a picture with them (given a chance) and brag about it on social …

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Knowing God: He is a God of Mercy – Believe Him

Dear friend, we hope you are enjoying our series on Knowing God. No one can explain about God other than God himself. We can never understand what God has explained unless we seek to know Him with all our hearts. Only the hunger and thirst in our hearts will help us …

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You can read the great testimonies of what Jesus has done for the others who went through similar situation as yours. God can surely do the same for you too. Read the testimonies here to know more about what Jesus can do for you.

Humble your heart before the Lord. Connect with Jesus today. God is waiting for you. Please do not let this time slip away without making a decision to follow Christ.

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