What we can learn from Revelation?


Every book in the bible is a personal letter from God specifically written to us for a greater purpose. The book of Revelation though a difficult book to understand is an integral part of God’s plan to reveal his greater plan to us. The focus of this article is to …

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Revelation – Why so many wrong speculation?


Many tried to predict the future of the earth based on Revelation. Somebody even tried to predict the second coming of Jesus Christ. Others believed it, left their job, sold their properties and waited for the second coming of Jesus. When the predicted event did not take place, it had …

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Son of Man and Son of God


If you have a prayer request, please contact us. We are here to pray for you. May God Bless you.Jesus called himself “Son of Man” approximately 70+ times across four gospels. God of heaven and earth came to the earth as man and not only equated himself to man but …

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Church in Laodicea

The city of Laodicea is located near the modern city of Denizli, Turkey. It came under the control of Romans in 2nd century BC. The city had good mix Jewish and non Jewish population. It went through a major earthquakes in AD 60 under the reign of Nero. Though much …

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Church in Philadelphia


Bible Reading: Revelation 3:7-13 The ancient city of Philadelphia was named out of brotherly love by Eumenes II of Pergamon for his brother Attalus II. It was handed over to Romans after Attalus III since he had no heir to succeed. The modern name for Philadelphia is Alasehir. Alasehir is …

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Church in Sardis

The city of Sardis is currently named as Sart. The people of Asia minor were the first one to mint coins. The coins were later adopted by Persians, Greeks, and Romans. There was evidence of coin minting in Sardi using the gold dust. Sardis was heavily damaged by the earthquake …

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Church in Thyatira

The current name for Thyatira is Akhisar, meaning white castle. The city was known for its purple cloth trade in the first century. The evidences for dyeing facilities and purple trade were found as part of the archaeological work. The seven cities mentioned in the book of Revelation are marked …

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Church in Pergamum


The City of Pergamum was the capital of Asia minor before Augustus changed the capital to Ephesus. The modern name of the city is Bergama. This is another city where the Roman emperor worship is popular and enforced on the citizen. The Christians in Pergamum were persecuted similar to Smyrna. …

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Church in Smyrna


If someone stands in the island of Patmos and look at the Northeastern direction the seven cities, where the associated seven churches mentioned in the book of Revelation will appear in the clockwise direction in modern Turkey starting with Ephesus. Smyrna is the second city next to Ephesus in the …

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