God of Daniel is Your God

bible blur christ christianity

Daniel was a young man when he was caught as a slave moved to Babylon. His dreams were shattered. He lived under a glorious kingdom under a God-fearing King Josiah. But everything fell apart very soon in a matter of a few years. The fierce armies of Nebuchadnezzar surrounded Jerusalem …

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How to Remain in God?

(Based on John 15) If a branch of apple tree needs to produce apple fruit then it should be attached to the tree. If the branch is removed from the tree it will wither away and lose its purpose. As the roots are connected to the tree, a branch separated …

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Whats Wrong with Ananias and Sapphira?


Based on Acts 5:1-11 Background : The text we are going to analyze today is from Acts 5:1-11. To give a background Ananias and Sapphira (Husband & wife) decided to become part of the newly formed 1st Century Christian church. Hence as requested by the custom of the 1st-century church …

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Heart of Jesus – Woman Caught in Adultery (John 8)

Woman adultry

Bible Reading: John 8:1-11 The Bible gives glimpses of how Jesus handled the sins and sinners differently. He hated the sin but loved the sinners. He was always ready to forgive the sinners. His heart was always longing for those who needed him most. The heart of Jesus can be …

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How Jesus Shared Gospel with Nicodemus (John 3) – What is Born Again?


In John Chapter 3, Nicodemus came to meet Jesus Christ in the nighttime. Jesus beautifully teaches Nicodemus about the Born Again experience. We are not sure how much Nicodemus understood what Jesus said. But we have a lot to learn about the Born Again experience today. Nicodemus was not an …

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How Jesus Shared Gospel to Samaritan Woman (John 4)

Samaritan Women

(Based on John 4) Jesus’s way of sharing the Gospel was always unique. He used every situation to explain who he was and why he came to the earth as Messiah. Jesus was a frequent traveler between Judea and Galilee. The 150KM walk between these two region took 3-4 days’ …

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What does it mean to believe in Jesus? (John 3:16)

Soul longs for God

Believe in Jesus? What does it really mean when Bible says we need to believe in Jesus? Most of the people in the world believe Jesus is a great man or a philosopher. Some believe he is a prophet. Others even believe he is one of the many God. What …

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Defending Gospel – Paul before Felix (Acts 24)


Do we have defense for our Christian faith? How God took care of us in the past? How he showed his love for us? If we do not have a defense for our faith on why we believe in Jesus, it’s time to compose one right now. We will go …

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You can read the great testimonies of what Jesus has done for the others who went through similar situation as yours. God can surely do the same for you too. Read the testimonies here to know more about what Jesus can do for you.

Humble your heart before the Lord. Connect with Jesus today. God is waiting for you. Please do not let this time slip away without making a decision to follow Christ.

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