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God of Daniel is Your God




Daniel was a young man when he was caught as a slave moved to Babylon. His dreams were shattered. He lived under a glorious kingdom under a God-fearing King Josiah. But everything fell apart very soon in a matter of a few years. The fierce armies of Nebuchadnezzar surrounded Jerusalem in the year BC 605. They conquered the city and took away the precious vessels from the temple of the Holy God. Daniel was dragged as a slave for 800 KMs from Jerusalem to Babylon. Though he was born in a royal family he was now a slave to a foreign king. Today we will go through three lessons we can learn from the life of Daniel.

Daniel Learn to Say "No"

In our life, we always taught to be Roman when we are in Rome. "Go with the flow" and "Just do it" are the most common words in the current era. But God does not choose people who go with the flow. He is looking for people who are willing to set apart their life for His glory and the sake of His honor. 

Daniel did exactly the same. He was not willing to compromise his life. He was offered a great privilege to sit in King's table and eat the choicest food offered by Nebuchadnezzar. When he could have enjoyed all the privileges in king's table, Daniel chose to avoid and keep himself pure. He suspected something that will defile his life. Though it is not revealed in the Bible, God liked his decision and blessed Him. 

When Darius set up a statue and ordered everyone should bow down before it there was one man who disobeyed king's law. That was none other than Darius's very close friend Daniel. Daniel knew it will please the king and his officials. But Daniel's focus was not to please men anyway. His heart was determined to please God.

Daniel knew how to please God. He said "No" to things when he came across everything God does not like. It pleased God very much. Dear friend, are you ready to say No in your life to keep your life pure before God? It might displease your friends even your close family but it will definitely please Jesus.

Daniel Had a talent, so do you

God blessed Daniel with a very special talent. The Bible says God gave Daniel the special ability to interpret the meanings of visions and dreams (NLT). God formed Daniel's life by filling his life with talents. Daniel knew about His talents. He kept his life pure to guard the God-given talents. When Nebuchadnezzar ordered the wise men to interpret his dream Daniel prayed about it and went to sleep. God revealed to His everything about Nebuchadnezzar's dream. 

Dear friend, God has given talents to everyone. He has given a special talent in your life too. You may not know it now. But God can reveal it to you. There is no one without talent. If only if you humble your heart and tell Jesus today that you will serve Him and glorify His name with the talents God has given you, He will surely bless you. Today is your day. Please go to Jesus and ask Him to reveal the talents God has placed in your life.

Daniel Always Glorified God

Daniel used his talents for the glory of God. He was never trying to steal the glory of God for his sake. He was never trying to earn money using the talent God has given him. Before interpreting the dream of Nebuchadnezzar, Daniel said, there is a God in heaven who reveals mysteries. Daniel never took any credit for himself.

Dear friend, if you are truly willing to glorify Jesus with your talents and gifts, God will lift you up. He will honor those who honor Him throughout their life. Wherever you are please kneel down before God right now. Tell Him you want to be like Daniel. Tell God you want to live a holy life and ready to say "No" everything, which God does not like. Shall we pray to God?

Dear God, I want to be like Daniel. Fill my life with your talents and help me to live a holy life for you. I want to please you. Give me the strength to keep my life pure. Reveal the talents you have given to me. Help me to glorify always through my actions, words, and thoughts. In Jesus's name, I pray. Amen.

Dear friend, may God bless you and make you a blessing for many.

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