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What does it mean to believe in Jesus? (John 3:16)




Believe in Jesus? What does it really mean when Bible says we need to believe in Jesus? Most of the people in the world believe Jesus is a great man or a philosopher. Some believe he is a prophet. Others even believe he is one of the many God. What Bible exactly asks as to believe in John 3:16.

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever BELIEVES in him shall not perish but have eternal life. – John 3:16

Lets ask us some simple questions based on the above verse. Can I go to heaven just by believing Jesus as one of the many Gods? A belief that Jesus exists somewhere is enough? Can we live a life according to our own terms, but believing that Jesus came to this world as Messiah is a enough belief?

While Jesus was on earth, many believed in Him. Most of them had own personal interest to believe in Jesus. Many of them believed him for miracles he performed. In the 1st Century where the medical facilities were so backdated compare to the 21st century, most of them died because of a lack of technique to diagnose the root cause of the decease or false diagnosis. There was a big crowd around Jesus looking for healing all the time. Though the technology has improved tremendously in the 21st century there are still many unanswered questions in the field of medicine. People still need supernatural intervention. Many do look at God for medical miracles. Should we believe Jesus as miracle worker?

Once Jesus fed five thousand men. As a result, next day they started believing Jesus was a good candidate to become a King. Even today many believe in God for our needs alone. Not that it is wrong. But Believing in God is something more than treating God as magician or a supernatural healer.

Jesus expressed his Godly characters through miracles so that we can believe him as Son as God. He walked on the water, calmed the sea, turned the water into wine, healed the sick, raised Lazarus from dead and did so many other miracles to prove his deity. Jesus lived his life as an ordinary man on earth, born in a poor family, had brothers & sisters like us, cried, got angry, prayed, preached, loved the sinners and cared for the poor to prove that he came to earth as a man to show his love for us.

Jesus fulfilled the prophecies of the old testament in Bible. He was punished, crucified and died a death destined for worst men of this earth for our sins. His body was broken, and blood was shed to cleanse our sins so that we can believe him as the only Messiah. He resurrected on the third day and revealed himself to his disciples and various others so that we can believe He is still alive.

God wants us to believe in who He is, what he has done for us and how much he loved us. Believing in Jesus this way will certainly trigger changes in our life. The past practices and habits will go through major overhaul in our life. Our personal priorities will take back seat. Our goals in life will be aligned with the purpose of His call.

The entire gospel was written to give evidences which will increase our belief in Jesus. The last verse in the gospel of John narrates the entire motive of the book.

… these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God and that by believing you may have life in his name – John 16:31

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