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Why God is not speaking to me?




Why God does not speak to me anymore? Why He does not answer my prayers? Many ask these questions. 

A few months ago, a sister shared her testimony about how she came to know about Jesus Christ. She is living in a country where there were no churches. She does not know about any Christians. All her countrymen follow a specific religion. She was searching to find the real God who will speak with her. She kept praying to God about the longingness in her heart. One day, Jesus appeared before and spoke to her face to face. Jesus said He is the God she was searching for. She could not understand what she was seeing. Then Jesus appeared before her again and again for three times till she understood about Jesus. This is not a story, but a real spiritual experience from an individual.

My friend, I am not qualified to share this message on this topic. I humbly surrender the rest of the message in the hand of the Holy Spirit. May He speak to you in a tender voice. He wants to talk to you today. He knows the questions you have. Jesus has the answers to all our questions today. Our Help comes from Him.

Why God still does not speak to me, while He speaks to others? Does that mean God likes others but not me? Is God partial? The Bible says, “In truth, I perceive that God shows no partiality.” But there are a few facts the bible points outs that can stop the communication from God.

Our Sins Separate us from God. He can not hear our prayers.

The Bible says, “It’s your sins that have cut you off from God. Because of your sins, he has turned away and will not listen anymore.“ If our hearts are not clean, then God can not hear the prayers we pray. Our sins build a wall between God and us. Our prayers do not even reach His ears. Therefore, before we ask anything, let’s ask for forgiveness for our past life. If we think we are clean, then let’s ask Jesus to show us if there is anything wrong with our past. May the Holy Spirit show us the wrong thoughts and hidden sins in our life that are obstructing our prayers from reaching Jesus. 

If we willingly do against what God has revealed, God may stop revealing His will

Interestingly, as a human, we know what is right and what is wrong from a young age. On top of it, some of us had the immense privilege of knowing about God’s will. We knew about God by reading the Bible and going to church. We got the privilege of listening to pastors and preachers. But we still went back and disobey God wilfully. Our hearts get so hardened when we don’t even come back and reconcile with God. The Bible narrates incidents about Saul’s disobedience. After receiving explicit instructions on what to do. He knew he was not supposed to offer sacrifice to God. It is a job of a priest. But Saul willfully disobeyed God. He neither asked for forgiveness to God nor reconciled with Him. 

If we knowingly and repeatedly avoid what is right and what is revealed to us, then our hearts get hardened and keep us away from reconciling with God. 

God does not speak to one who does not have time to listen or wait

What if somebody asks you a bunch of questions and walks away without waiting for answers? You have the answer to all the questions he asked. But he just walked away without waiting to listen for the answer. We do the same with God. We go to His presence and ask God all the questions we have in our minds. But we do not have time to listen to what He has to say to us. We end up doing what we want to do instead of what Jesus wants us to do.

King Saul, many times, wanted to know from God what he was supposed to do. He called for the priest to know what God wants to say. But he went with the flow. The Bible says, “So Saul said to the priest, “Never mind; let’s get going“ 

Dear reader, are we doing this in our life? Have we gone to Jesus with our prayer request? But before he started telling us what he wants us to do, we decide our own choice.

Friend, are you searching for answers from Jesus right now? Let’s go to His presence with a broken heart. Let’s ask Jesus to forgive all our past mistakes. Ask him to wash away all our past sins. Then ask the Holy Spirit to convict us and teach us if we are continuously disobeying willing what we already know as mistakes. Let’s wait on his feet for his answer. God will speak to us and walk with us.

Shall we pray to Jesus? Please place your hand on your heart. We are going to ask Jesus to talk to us. Pray the below prayer in your own words. Let’s pray.

Dear Jesus, I come to you with a humble heart. I have prayed many times in the past with a sinful heart. Please forgive me. Wash me with your precious blood. Convict my heart and teach the areas I need to correct. Jesus, I want to listen to you. I will wait in your presence and seek you with all my heart. Please speak to me. I want to put all my hope in you. Jesus, I will always consult all the major decisions with you before doing it in my life. Please speak to me. Let me listen. In Jesus’s mighty name, I pray. Amen. 

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Humble your heart before the Lord. Connect with Jesus today. God is waiting for you. Please do not let this time slip away without making a decision to follow Christ.

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