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Church In Ephesus




Bible Reading: Revelation 2:1-7

The city of Ephesus still has evidence of its ancient amphitheater, library, and other beautiful architectural wonders where Church of Ephesus once gathered. It became prominent during the time of Emperor Augustus, who moved the capital of Asia Minor from Pergamum to Ephesus.

At its glorious peak, the population reached 225,000, and the city’s importance reached next to Rome in the first century.

The seven cities mentioned in the Book of Revelation are marked on the map below with their current names.

Paul’s Ministry in Ephesus

Paul briefly spent time in Ephesus during his second missionary journey from Corinth (Acts 18). Though the synagogue members urged him to stay, he left Ephesus but promised to return soon. In his third missionary journey, Paul spent more than two years in reasoning and preaching.

The power of God was so intense during this time that even the handkerchiefs and aprons that touched Paul were used to heal the sick and drive away the evil spirits.

Paul had regular discussions in Tyrannous’s lecture hall for two years. Due to his ministry, the sorcery scrolls were burnt worth 50,000 drachmas. (Acts 19)

The ministry of Paul ended with a major riot triggered by the silversmith Demetris for business reasons, which soon became religious reasons related to the local goddess Artemis.

Paul soon left Ephesus after the riot subsided, but the time he spent there resulted in a strong foundation for the Ephesian church.

 Each of the instructions written to seven churches of Asia (Modern Turkey) follows a specific template.

  1. Addressed to the angel or the messenger of the church
  2. Starts addressing Jesus as the sender using a metaphor
  3. Appreciation or commendations for the specific church
  4. Points to the complaints or issues
  5. Corrections required
  6. It ends with a reward for applying the recommended correction

Instructions to Ephesian Church

Appreciation for the church Ephesus:

Jesus said, “I know all the things you do.” God knew about us more than we knew about ourselves. There is nothing hidden from him. He knows all the good, bad, and ugly in our hearts.

Jesus appreciates all the good things the church of Ephesus has done. He knew the hard work and patient endurance through the difficulties. The church was careful in examining and testing every teaching. They have suffered for Christ persistently.

God’s complaint about Ephesus:

There was a thirty-year gap between Paul’s missionary work in Ephesus and John’s vision on the island of Patmos about the church of Ephesus. One thing the church lost during this period was its love for Christ. The Church excelled in its deeds, hard work, and perseverance. But God cannot accept love growing cold and the church purely operating based on its textbook process, beliefs, and procedures.

I wonder if it’s even possible. A church that suffers for Christ can continue without loving Him. But it’s true. A church that tested all the teachings and carefully examined everything could not detect their love for Jesus.

This could be a common concern in our lives, too. The Christian life is operated by regular activities such as attending church on Sundays and following regular patterns without being operated by the love of Christ. The ministry activities in our lives can continue without loving God with our sheer energy, zeal, and purpose. We can self-satisfy ourselves with many things in which God does not want us to get involved.

Any ministry we do should originate from the personal relationship with God. The love of God should trigger the talents and gifts we have to be channeled in the right path. The activities we initiate and our plans should originate and flow to fulfill our love for God. Jesus Christ should remain as the master to be satisfied all our life.

A reward for the Church of Ephesus:

Jesus said, “Anyone with ears to hear must listen to the Spirit and understand what he is saying to the churches. To everyone who is victorious I will give fruit from the tree of life in the paradise of God.” – Revelation 2:7.

This is not a reward for the church of Ephesus alone. It is a reward for all of us who are willing to listen to the words of the spirit. Jesus wants to give us the Tree of Life we lost in the Garden of Eden.

Dear friend, God has given you one precious life. Make the best use of it. May Jesus bless you and make you a blessing for many. Keep in touch.

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