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God So loved the world, and He Gave His only son




For God so loved the world,[a] that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. – John 3:16

John 3:16 is a very familiar verse among Christian children. Most of them learn it at a very young age.

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

Though we learn this verse so early in life, and at times, most of us get the real meaning very late. We move on in Christian life, we end up chasing many things beyond and away from the purpose, we are called, forgetting the basic and very core God offered to us that is Eternal life.

All religions have their path to eternal life.

Pantheistic religions offer reincarnation until eternal life in heaven is attained. In pantheism, the process of reincarnation is based on the deeds done during one’s lifetime, and the soul moves upwards in the scale of holiness. There are several schools of thought about whether the good deeds from one reincarnation will be carried to another. The process is complex and painful.

Christ offered a simple solution for eternal life. He took on all the suffering and pain himself and made sure man could achieve eternal life with one simple step. All man has to do is believe in him. Nothing else.

We are always created to live eternally in heaven. There was a glorious tree called the “Tree of Life” in the Garden of Eden. There was no restriction for men to eat it. But once man disobeyed God and evil entered the world, God made sure the Tree of Life was beyond the reach of mankind (Gen 3:22).

But now, the purpose was defeated. Man’s purpose is to enjoy eternal life. Alas, he was forbidden and would be killed, as the tree of life was secured through a flaming sword (Gen 3:24). What a loss!!

Path to establishing eternal life

Did God reject man after his first failure? Is this the end of eternity? No. He devised a way of establishing his covenant by putting all responsibilities on himself. In Genesis 17, God establishes a covenant with Abraham by walking alone between the sacrifices. In other words, God is responsible and independent of whoever breaks the covenant.

In Genesis 22, God asks Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac on the mount of Moriah. The pain Abraham felt during the process of taking Isaac and the agony of the father’s heart are carefully documented in the Bible. Isaac asked a final question, The fire and wood are here but where is the lamb? Genesis 22:7. Abraham, with all the courage and the strength, responded to his son lovingly. “Jehovah Jireh – God will provide”.

Ultimate Sacrifice for eternal life

God did provide on the Mount of Calvary by sacrificing his own son by crucifying him. He took all the responsibility and paid the entire price on one condition: we should believe in Jesus.

Great God who created the heaven and earth came down to earth and humbled himself to death (Phil 2:6-11).

Why such a sacrifice for a man who can not hold any responsibility, accountability, obedience, covenant, or holiness? The only answer is the first part of John 3:16, “He loved the world”.

God loved us first, created us, called us, and wanted to stay with us forever. He created eternity to have fellowship with us. Is it so hard to believe this God? Yes. That’s the only precondition for eternal life. Some say they believe him but they don’t behave like a believer. Some choose not to believe him. Few are willing to believe and follow him.

Jesus opened the eternal life for all who believe him, independent of individual free will. He is the way to eternal life. Believe Him.

If you have a prayer request, please contact us. We are here to pray for you. May God Bless you.

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