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God who sees you and Hears your prayers is with you right now




Bible Reading: 1 Samuel 1:1-20

Jesus wants to do great things in your life. You are His precious child. Jesus is your heavenly father. He cares for you. What is your need today? God is seeing you and hearing your prayers right now. He wants to answer the prayers. You do not have to travel to a distant place to offer your prayers. No one needs to lay hands on you. You do not have to spend any money. Jesus himself wants to touch you and lift you right there at the place you stay right now. He wants to lead your life. 

The God who sees You is with You

An Egyptian woman, Hagar, first came with the phrase “God who sees me” or El Roi (in Hebrew). She was a slave. When her master Sarah could not bear a child with her husband Abraham, Hagar was asked to bear a child on behalf of Sarah. She thrust Hagar into a relationship with Abraham. No one cared about Hagar's opinion and rights. Hagar became pregnant because of this relationship. Once Hagar became pregnant, frictions brewed between Sarah and Hagar. At some point, Hagar could not bear the harsh mistreatment of Sarah. She ran away from her master while she was still pregnant. Hagar thought her life was hopeless. Her hopes of a peaceful life were over. She ran away from her master. 

God saw all the anguish Hagar has gone through in her life. He wanted to comfort her. The Bible says, “The angel of the Lord found Hagar beside a spring of water in the wilderness, along the road to Shur. The angel said to her, “Hagar, Sarai’s servant, where have you come from, and where are you going?

The angel not only found Hagar and comforted her but also gave a promise that she will bear a son and she should call him Ishmael. The name Ishmael means God hears. Hagar thankfully referred to God as “You are the God who sees me.

Dear friend, The same God who saw Hagar in her anguish is seeing you today. He knows your heartache. He understands the needs of our life. He wants to comfort you. Jesus wants to take away the fear of the future and the anxieties in life. Jesus will answer your prayers in 2022. His eyes are on you. He is watching you right now.

God, who hears your prayer, is with you

Hannah was childless for many years. Her husband, Elkanah, took another wife. Her name was Peninnah. Peninnah had children, but Hannah did not. Peninnah made fun of Hanna’s barrenness. Hannah poured out her heart in the presence of God. She went to the temple and poured out her anguish and sorrow in the presence of God. God heard her prayers and blessed her with a beautiful son. 

Hannah named her son Samuel. Samuel means, “I asked the Lord for him.“ The same God who heard the prayers of Hannah will hear your prayers and answer them. 

Dear friend, we have gone through two hard years because of the pandemic. We do not know how the year 2022 will span out. But the God who sees and hears our prayers is with us. He will help us as he helped Hagar and Hannah. Jesus is our hope in 2022. 

Let’s surrender the year 2022 in his hands. Let’s ask Jesus to teach us how to live our life. Let Him hold our hands and lead us in the direction we need to go. Wherever you are right now, Jesus is with you. He wants to pray along with you. Would you pray the below prayer in your own words? We are praying along with you. If you have not asked for forgiveness for your past mistakes, please do so right now.

Dear Jesus, I come to your presence. Thank you so much for giving me a new year in my life. Jesus, you are the God who sees me and hears my prayers. Please hold my hands and lead me. You know my heart’s desire. You are the God who hears my prayers and answers them. I am not capable of making the right choices in my life. I surrender all my decisions in your hand. 

Please forgive all my past mistakes. Wash me with your precious blood. I want to be your child. Give me spiritual strength not to do the same mistakes again. 

Please lead me. Jesus, I commit my family into your hands. You are going to be our leader. You are welcome into our home today. Be our master and lead us. In Jesus’s mighty name, we pray. Amen.

Dear Friend, we would like to pray for you. God knows your needs. He knows your heart. Please place your hand on your heart and pray along with us.

Dear Jesus, we are praying along with the dear reader who is praying along with us right now. You know their heart. You know their needs. Please touch their life. We pray for those who are in debt. Jesus, we together ask for forgiveness if we have made wrong financial decisions without consulting you. Forgive us. Please release our dear brother and sister from the debt. We pray for those who need healing. Please touch them. Heal them from all the sickness. We pray for those who are depressed and suffering from mental sickness. Please heal them. Remove the sickness from their mind. We believe in you. You are going to do mighty miracles today. Nothing is impossible for you. Jesus, we are praying for those who are addicted and not able to come out of their desires. Please break every bondage. Release everyone who is addicted. Cover everyone with your precious blood. We pray for those who are going through fear and anxiety. Fill their mind with your heavenly peace. We pray for those who are going through suicidal thoughts. May your holy spirit guard the mind and hearts of everyone. Take away every negative thought. Everyone who is praying right now is your precious child. We pray for every one of them. In Jesus’s mighty name, we pray. Amen.

Dear Friend, we are praying for you. Please continue to hold on to Jesus. Do not leave him. These are the end time. The problems will come. We can be safe only when we hold on to Jesus. May Jesus bless you and make you a blessing for many. 

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