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Hope In the midst of Hopelessness




You can find this message in the following languages=> Esperanza en medio de la desesperanza निराशा के बीच आशा 绝望中的希望

Even strong young lions sometimes go hungry, but those who trust in the Lord will lack no good thing. – The Bible

Dear friend, Are you in a hopeless situation? Wherever you are right now, Jesus knows your heart and the trouble you are going through. He loves you and wants to help. We are His most treasured creation and God’s masterpiece. Do not worry.

You can surely come out of the current situation. Let’s seek him with all our hearts. Jesus will listen to our prayers and answer us. At the end of this message, we want to pray with you. 

Jesus is a great comforter.

Our hearts search for comfort during a difficult situation. When we are torn by a lack of hope for the future and feel utterly helpless, we need someone to comfort us and give us new hope. Amid the storm, Jesus can fill our hearts with calmness and comfort.

For example, sickness can touch our bodies. But God can stop them from touching our hearts and minds. Our minds can remain calm and at peace amid the storm. 

I went through a difficult medical condition a few years back. My brain stopped functioning for a few minutes. I could see everything but could not communicate. Doctors suspected it of brain cancer. But throughout my stay in the hospital and during my surgery, God was with me.

I had a peaceful sleep every night till I came out of the hospital. You can also taste this supernatural comfort amid your stormy conditions. Jesus can fill your life with heavenly peace, though the conditions are not in our favor. 

The Bible says, When you go through deep waters, I will be with you. When you go through rivers of difficulty, you will not drown. When you walk through the fire of oppression, you will not be burned up; the flames will not consume you.

Our God is a way-maker

God always provides a way to come out of difficult situations. He opens new doors. What we can not see, Jesus can see. What we can not logically perceive God can explain it for us. 

The Bible has multiple examples of the above scenario. I want to call out one incident which is my favorite and popularly known to most of us. We all know how Moses led the people of Israel out of Egypt towards the promised land.

When the Israelites left Egypt, the Pharaoh of Egypt changed his mind and wanted to keep the Israelites as slaves. Hence, he came chasing down the Israelites. Moses and his men were sandwiched between the Red Sea and the Egyptian army.

If we look at this scenario from a worldly perspective, we see that Moses and his men had only two options. Either they would be captured by the Egyptians or had to jump into the Red Sea and die. But God came up with the third option.

He separated the Red Sea and created a path in between for people to walk through the red sea. The Israelites crossed the Red Sea and reached the other side. The third option was created and modeled by God for that specific situation. He alone can make it happen. 

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Friend, the same God who created the way for Israelites is with you right now. Wherever you are right now, he is standing next to you.

Ask Him to come into your life. Ask Him to speak to you and comfort you. He is a way maker. He will show you a way forward in your life. He can give hope amid a hopeless condition.  

God is with us during our hopeless times

All of us go through difficulties in life. None can say their life is without trouble and will continue to stay out of trouble. Independent of whether we are rich or poor, educated or uneducated, we all will hit hard times in life.

But the God who created us will be with us during our happy times and sorrows. He will hold our hands and walk with us if we allow him to do so. He knows how to lead us.

He can give the right words to speak and help us make the right choices. Jesus can fill us with wisdom and help us manage our difficult times.

We might think God is far away from us. We assume he does not listen to us or ignores our prayers.

God says in Bible, “If you look for me wholeheartedly, you will find me. I will be found by you.” Jesus is standing right next to you.

He wants to listen to and answer your prayers, wipe away your tears, and love us as we are. Those who seek Him will find Him. He will never ignore our humble prayers. 

Friend, please stop looking at the hopeless situation and look up to God for an answer. Jesus can give new hope. We are going to pray now. Please place your hand on your heart and tell Jesus about your situation. He loves you and cares for you. He wants to show you away. 

Dear Jesus, You know what I am going through right now. Please help me. I believe you can bring me out of the current storm I am going through. Heal my heart and fill my life with peace and joy. I hold on to your promise today. Increase my faith.

Teach me the way I should walk. Please help me to make the right decisions. Comfort my heart. 

Jesus, please forgive my past life. Purify my heart and make me clean. Wash me with the precious blood you have shed for me on the cross. Please help me to correct myself. Give me hope. Renew my life. Hold my hands and walk with me.

I want to be your child from today onwards. Hold me in your arms. In Jesus’ mighty name, I pray. Amen.

God will surely wipe away all your tears. He will surely give you new hope in life. Do not be discouraged. We are praying with you. May God bless you and renew your future. 

Have you accepted Christ and want to know what to do next? You can read here =>

We are praying for you. Jesus will surely bring peace and joy in your life. He will release you from all your problems. May God bless you and make you a blessing for many.

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