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Like a mother comfort her child, Jesus wants to comfort us




you can this message the following languages=>Como una madre consuela a su hijo, Jesús quiere consolarnosजैसे एक माँ अपने बच्चे को दिलासा देती है, वैसे ही यीशु हमें दिलासा देना चाहता है

Comfort, comfort my people, says your God. – The Bible

As we go through grief, our heart looks for comfort. Loss of job, growing debt, loss of a loved one, relationship issues, and sickness can make us depressed. To encourage us, some of our friends might call us to comfort us. But those kind words dissolve and disappear too soon. When we put our phone down, then the same sorrow and the sadness keep coming back. Our heart yearns for something more than words of encouragement. Our heart refuses to accept usual words like “everything is going to fine soon” especially when we know our situation is logically not solvable. 

God works uniquely. He not only gives us words of encouragement, but he has the unique power to heal our heart. Though the situation ahead might sound hopeless, God says, “Do not be afraid, for I have ransomed you. I have called you by name; you are mine. When you go through deep waters, I will be with you. When you go through rivers of difficulty, you will not drown. When you walk through the fire of oppression, you will not be burned up; the flames will not consume you.” This promise comes from the God who created heaven and earth. He does not change. The grass withers and the flowers fade, but the word of our God stands forever. His words are not only encouragement but assured promises. 

How God comforted Naomi?

The life of Naomi was a splendid example for those who are going through grief. Naomi means pleasant. She and her family left the land of Bethlehem looking for a greener pasture. There Naomi lost her dear husband. After some time she lost both her sons too. Hence she came back to the land of Bethlehem after many years. When people came to know what happened to Naomi’s family the whole town was filled with sorrow. Naomi wanted everyone to call her Mara (meaning bitterness). The life of Naomi was filled with sorrow and grief. She thought there is no hope in her life. But she continued to trust in God’s healing.

Ruth, a Moabite women and the daughter-in-law of Naomi’s late son, determined to continue her life with her old mother-in-law, Naomi. She just last her husband (Naomis’ son). She too was in grief. Ruth knew very well she has no hope in a foreign land when Naomi chose to return to Bethlehem. But she stuck to her mother-in-law and followed her to the land of Bethlehem. Both of their life was covered with sorrow and grief. God, who is the creator and architect of human life, saw the faithfulness of both the women. Out of the gloomy situation, God brought forth new hope in their life. 

Over time Ruth got married to a rich and very respected man called Boaz. She gave birth to a son. Naomi was so happy. She took care of the baby as her own baby. The baby was the forefather of Jesus Christ. 

This sounds like a fairy tale story. Naomi thought her life was over. She preferred to be called Mara (bitterness). But God could change her life back to Naomi (Pleasant). Dear friend, if you are reading this and thinking there is no hope in your life, God wants to speak to your heart right now. You may also think like Naomi considering the situation is bitter and there is no solution. But God is still in control of our life. He can surely comfort your soul and give a new future independent of the current situation. 

Naomi trusted in God: When we go through a difficult time, very often we start questioning God. We get irritated with Him. We do not understand why it happened to us. We do not have the understanding and wisdom to see our future. But God does. He knows our future and how to take care of us. The Bible says, “Those who trust in the Lord will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint.”   Do you want to have a walk with this great comforter? We have a free email program to connect your heart with Jesus. Every day you will receive one email message for the next three days. It’s your opportunity to find comfort in the arms of Jesus. He knows how to heal your heart. You can fill in the form to subscribe to this program. Please continue to read the rest of the message below.

God Sends a Comforter

The comforts us through His son Jesus Christ. God sent His only son to the earth as a man. He suffered all the temptation and the difficulties we human go through. Finally, Jesus thought he is a sovereign God was crucified and went through a cruel death on the cross. God purposely put His son, Jesus, through so much difficulty before choosing Him as our comforter. The Bible says, “For we do not have a high priest who (Jesus) cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but One who has been tempted in all things as we are, yet without sin” 

The world might offer multiple challenges during the course of life. But God decided to comfort us through His son by allowing Him to suffer, so that he will have firsthand experience of human suffering. 

Dear friend, Jesus can offer personal comfort for your life too independent of your situation right now. There is peace and happiness in the arms of Jesus. He can find a way and solution for all your problems.

How can we make God’s comfort a reality in life?   

The union between mother and child is unique. The mother is willing to sacrifice her entire happiness and joy for the sake of her dear child. The child knows where to get the nourishment and comfort. The child runs to the arms of mother whenever it feels hungry or in danger. Similarly, comfort from Jesus is available for us when we become the child of God. If we have not reconciled with Jesus yet, it’s our time to do that right now. Jesus is ready to forgive our past and make us His own child. It boils down to our willingness to open our heart and repent from our past mistakes. Jesus is waiting to forgive us with wide open arms.

Once we become the child of Jesus, we should learn to seek Him with all our heart like the child seeks its mother for its needs. The child will seek its mother when three is no need. The child’s loves is purely a need based love at the very young age. Our life should also be filled with the thirst for spiritual needs. Without the hunger to satisfy our spiritual needs, we will never seek the comfort in presence of the almighty God. If our love for God is driven by earthly needs, we will forget him once our earthly needs are fulfilled.

The child knows where to run amid danger. Whenever the child feels insecure it will run towards its mother. The child trusts and believe in its mother so strongly. We should also trust and believe in God like the child trust the arms of its mothers. God says, “As a mother comforts her child, so will I comfort you;

Dear friend, are you searching for comfort in life amid tough circumstances? Jesus wants to hold your hands and lead your life. It does not matter what caused the problem and what is the current status of the situation. Jesus can comfort your heart and set you free. Let’s pray to Jesus.

Dear Jesus, I am searching for heavenly comfort. I want to be your child. Forgive my past mistakes. I do not want to repeat the things I have done in my past. Please wash me with your precious blood. My life needs your comfort. Break my heart and mold me. Fill my life with the unquenchable spiritual needs. Help me follow you with all my heart. Let me run to your arms and stay in your presence. 

Jesus, I would like to claim the promises you have given through Bible. Strengthen me and help me be strong. Give me wisdom and help me come out of all the problems I have. I believe in your and put all the trust on you. Let me hold on to you like a child hold on to its mother. I praise and thank you because you are going to do great things in my life. In Jesus name, i pray, Amen.

Dear friend, Jesus will surely change your situation. Do not lose hope. Hold on to him. Keep your faith and wait for His answer. We are praying for you. May God bless you and make you a blessing for many.

We would like to pray for you. You can send your prayer requests to by clicking the below contact us link. It will open the default email box in your mobile or laptop. Jesus will answer the prayers and comfort your heart. He deeply cares for your future. Believe Him.

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You can read the great testimonies of what Jesus has done for the others who went through similar situation as yours. God can surely do the same for you too. Read the testimonies here to know more about what Jesus can do for you.

Humble your heart before the Lord. Connect with Jesus today. God is waiting for you. Please do not let this time slip away without making a decision to follow Christ.

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