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How Jesus Shared Gospel to Samaritan Woman (John 4)




(Based on John 4)

Jesus’s way of sharing the Gospel was always unique. He used every situation to explain who he was and why he came to the earth as Messiah.

Jesus was a frequent traveler between Judea and Galilee. The 150KM walk between these two region took 3-4 days’ worth of travel by walk. Every time he walked between Judea and Galilee, he had to pass-through a region called Samaria. The Jews considered Samaritans as mix of Jewish and foreign people who were forcefully relocated by Assyrians in 721 BC. They were not allowed to enter the Jewish temple and considered as an outcast. Jews do not prefer to eat with Samaritans or even mention their names.

While Jesus was walking through the region of Samaria he came across the city called Sychar in Samaria. He chose to sit down near a well and decided to take some rest. He saw a Samaritan woman in the mid-afternoon. Normally women go in group to fetch water in Jewish culture. Also the women go to fetch water in the evening or early morning to avoid the heat. But the Samaritan woman was going to the well alone and that too in the mid-afternoon. It shows the deviation. This woman could be an outcast and nobody wanted to associate with her. But Jesus chose to share the gospel to an outcast. He chose to share the gospel to an entire village in Samaria not through a most holy person in that village but through an outcast and an unqualified lady.

How to start a conversation with an outcast and Samaritan? Jesus started with the casual question. Can you give me some water? Samarians and Jews don’t mingle with each other. Hence the response from the lady was the expected one pointing to the tradition that they don’t talk or share the same cup. Now Jesus wanted to reveal who he is? But nobody will believe him as messiah just like that. Every man he spoke was more focused on his personal needs. The Samaritan woman was no different. Hence, he wanted to relate the earthly needs of people to heavenly needs. The situation has not changed in the 21st century. Most of us are so much focused on the earthly needs of our jobs, children’s education, etc. we have no time to even think about eternal needs, though all regions agree on one point that human soul was created for eternity.  

Jesus shifted the conversation towards living water he can offer, which will satisfy the spiritual needs of the people. The Samaritan woman was far away from getting the truth. She was more focused on getting the living water so that she doesn’t need to come to the well each day in the afternoon heat that too alone. She needed to hear something supernatural which will turn her attention towards eternal things. Hence Jesus gave a prerequisite to get the living water. He asked the Samaritan women to bring her husband. Now Samaritan woman had to reveal the truth that she had no husband. Jesus opened his godly nature and revealed that He knew her life very well. She had five husbands and the one she was staying right now was not her husband. Immediately the Samaritan women looked at Jesus as Prophet (not yet as Messiah).

The conversation came to the point that only Messiah can sort out the difference between the Jews and Samaritans. The testimony of one Samaritan woman led to the salvation of many in that Samaritan village. Jesus converted the simple conversation to an amazing harvest. The bible does not give the name of the Samaritan women. But gives some beautiful characteristics of Jesus. He does not limit the salvation to holy or unholy. Its open to all. Jesus is not bothered about culture and history. He broke every cultural barrier by choosing to rest in Samaritan village. His focus was to share the gospel to everyone.

Independent of who you are, what is your background and history, Jesus love you. The living water he offered to the Samaritan woman is available to everyone, if you confess wrong things done in your life. Start Believing in Him. He will forgive your sins and give you eternal life.

If you have a prayer request, please contact us. We are here to pray for you. May God Bless you.


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