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Son of Man and Son of God




If you have a prayer request, please contact us. We are here to pray for you. May God Bless you.Jesus called himself “Son of Man” approximately 70+ times across four gospels. God of heaven and earth came to the earth as man and not only equated himself to man but called himself many time as Son of Man. This is the humble name he has given to himself though others used to call him as teacher and prophet. Most of us see Jesus as Son of man and remember him as a baby born in the manger thanks to the beautiful Christmas programs. We also remember Jesus's sufferings on the cross, big thanks to the Passion of Christ movie, which left a lasting impression on our heart. Some might also see Jesus as Son of God on earth while reading the Gospel based on the miracles he has performed. Not many really understood that he is a Son of God in Heaven right now and no longer stuck to the manger or the cross. The role of Son of God in heaven is not much studied in context, even if it was done, it was only limited to Jesus role as mediator and high priest and not beyond that.

We need to know the difference between the Son of God and Son of Man to make Jesus real in our daily context. We will break this down into three parts. Jesus as Son of man on earth, Jesus as the son of God on earth and Jesus as Son of God in heaven.

Jesus - Son of Man on Earth:

Jesus Christ was born as a man 2000 years. Approximately 500 years after Buddha and 300 years after Alexander the Great. The characteristics of Jesus was fully man. He went through issues every human go through in his life. His parents had to protect him by running away to Egypt, while Herod the great was plotting to kill Him. He was hungry after 40 days in the wilderness. He wept and cried during the death of Lazarus like anybody will do for his friend. He got angry when the temple was used as the trade center instead of the place of prayer. His heart melted when he saw people in need. He made sure his family commitment is fulfilled even while hanging on the cross by introducing his disciple as the son to his mother. His blood mixed with water flowed when the Roman soldier pierced him to confirm his death on the cross, which is the clear case of Asphyxiation. He went through the pain and died the death every man had to go through. His soul departed from his body. He was buried in the tomb as per the Jewish custom like any other Jew.

He had the option to call his father for help at any point during his suffering. Do you think I cannot call on my Father, and he will at once put at my disposal more than twelve legions of angels? - Mat 26:53. But He chose to go through the suffering instead of taking his Godliness to fight against evil.

All the above cases prove that Jesus expressed human characteristics while on earth like any other normal man.

Jesus - Son of God on Earth:

As John mentions in chapter 1, Jesus is the word and was in heaven before he was born on earth. He was with God in the beginning. Hence his origination never begins on earth like the normal human. He came from Heaven, lived on earth and ascended back to heaven in other words he always existed. The concept of beginning and end was a human concept and it is not applicable to God.

There is an immutable proof already established in science that in order to have a baby, a man and women need to come together. But this proof is limited and constrained by human ability. Jesus was born to a virgin proving that he is not subject to human constraints and science, since he is God. He is a theophany of God and he is beyond human empirical theories.

Man can only forgive other men who acted against them. Only God can forgive the sins man has committed against himself and others. Jesus repeatedly showed his authority to forgive sins while on earth to prove that he is God.

Jesus was able to calm the roaring sea, walk on the water, heal the sick, raise the dead and perform many other supernatural acts beyond human imagination.

When Jesus Christ was resurrected it was not only his soul but he had the full physical resurrection. His earthly body disappeared. The large stone used to close his tomb was rolled away. There was a huge commotion as the guards stood before the grave could not justify how his body disappeared. The news of his resurrection started spreading through Jerusalem. He appeared to more than 500 people over the course of 40 days after his death.

The scripture consistently shows that Jesus was fully man and fully God, while he was on earth. We have evidences for both.

Jesus - Son of God in Heaven:

The big difference and surprise came to the much-loved disciple John, when he met Jesus in his vision. John knew Jesus for years, one of the beloved disciple of Jesus and was leaning on him during the last supper. When John met Jesus in his revelation as the Son of God in heaven, he fell before him like a dead man (Revelation 1:17). John went on and described Jesus he saw in full glory. Let us go through what he saw and keep in mind this is the same Jesus you and I interact every day in our  life today. He is no longer in the manger, no longer hanging on the cross. He is in heaven now.

when I turned I saw seven golden lampstands, and among the lampstands was someone like a son of man, dressed in a robe reaching down to his feet and with a golden sash around his chest. The hair on his head was white like wool, as white as snow, and his eyes were like blazing fire.  His feet were like bronze glowing in a furnace, and his voice was like the sound of rushing waters.  In his right hand he held seven stars, and coming out of his mouth was a sharp, double-edged sword. His face was like the sun shining in all its brilliance. (Rev 1:12-16).

John saw totally different Jesus compare to the Son of Man he had seen on earth. Jesus hair was like wool. His feet were like glowing furnace. His voice was like a rushing water. All of it represent the magnificent, majestic, powerful and glorious Jesus. John in his awe and wonder fell on Jesus feet. He had no other option. Neither do we, when we see Jesus in heaven.

In spite of all the glory and power the tenderness and his care has not changed, when John fell on His feet. Jesus put his right hand on John. He spoke the very familiar words he used so often on earth – “Do not be afraid” – John 14:27, Rev 1:17. The familiar words would have made John comfortable despite all the unfamiliar situation he went through.

Jesus provides his transparent views and feedback to the seven churches in Asia Minor in Revelation chapter 2 & 3. The difference between his role on earth and in heaven is clearly visible on the judgment and warning Jesus provided to the seven churches. He pinpoints the gaps and shortcomings in each church, call for its repentance and the consequences of not repenting. There is grace in his message but it is equally mixed with the consequences and judgement for each of the seven churches.

If you are interested in the detailed study of seven churches, it is available here

When the mighty angel made a loud call in Revelation chapter 5 “Who is worthy to break the seal and open the scroll?”, it was only Jesus the lamb of God who could come forward and take the scroll from the right hand of the father (Rev 5:6,7). All the twenty-four elders and the four living creatures bowed down before him and worshiped him. What manifested out of opening the seven seals were seven trumpets and seven plagues. Each one of the seal, trumpet, and plague resulted in the judgment on the human. Jesus is coming back as Judge.

In the final battle against the beast in the mount of Megiddo (Armageddon), Jesus is the one leading the battle in the white horse, robe dipped in blood with his name written as King of Kings and Lord of Lords (Rev 19:17). He will strike down his enemies with the sword coming out his mouth. The beasts are captured and rest were killed in the battle of Armageddon. Jesus is the leader, the captain who leads the entire Heavenly army.

The Son of God in heaven is the glorious God, Judge, more than a leader, King of Kings, Lord of Lords and much more than we could ever describe him. He is alive and he is the word, who is and who was and who is to come. The Alpha and omega, beginning and the end. Believe Him..

If you have a prayer request, please contact us. We are here to pray for you. May God Bless you.

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