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God wants to bless your family




You can also read in other languages here => Dios quiere bendecir a tu familia 上帝想祝福你的家人

Thank you so much for choosing to open this page. Today is the first day of March, 2025. We are praising God along with you for this month. Jesus is our shepherd. He will surely lead us to green pasture. We have a message for you this month.

We are continuing our journey of being blessed and prosperous this year.

Some call themselves blessed because they bought a new car, others because they have a new home, and the elderly call themselves blessed because they can see their grandchildren and great grandchildren. True, these are the blessings from our Lord.

But God’s blessings do not stop here. The Bible says a man is blessed when he fears the Lord and obeys Him.

The Bible says, “Blessed are all who fear the Lord, who walk in obedience to him.” – Psalm 128:1 NLT.

Our God is a sovereign. He is a mighty God. He is also our loving father. He expects us to love Him like a son fears his father.

Fearing God is a great blessing. Some of the great men repeatedly mentioned it in their final farewell speeches. You can read about it here => Fear God and follow Him.

Psalm 128 addresses the blessing to the entire family when the head of the family fears and obeys the Lord. What are the benefits of fearing God?

You can listen to this message by clicking the below video.

You will eat the fruit of labor:

You will eat the fruit of your labor; blessings and prosperity will be yours. – Psalm 128:2 NLT

When Adam sinned, God said, “By the sweat of your brow will you have food to eat.” We all have to work hard to earn our money. No one can stay at home and earn money. The money we earn should be a blessing for us and our family. In today’s context, both men and women work. But the Bible mandates all men to work and feed their family. It is the duty of men to feed their family.

At times, we may not find a job that is suitable for us and that matches our qualifications. That does not give us a license to continue our lives without any job for years. We have to find some job even if it does not match our qualifications. All men have the responsibility to feed their families.

There are those who work hard but end up in debt. The money they earn after working hard is spent too soon. They have to pay back all their salaries to their lender and are left with little to manage their household.

We receive many emails from people who experience this pattern of not being able to enjoy the fruits of their labor.

Some work more than one job. Still, all the money disappears, and they don’t know how. The business does not prosper and breaks down. The sickness surrounds the family and takes away all the fruit of the labor.

Dear Friend, if you are going through a similar situation, Jesus wants to bless your life. Please inspect your heart. Are you fearing God and obeying Him?

Take some time off from your busy schedule to sit in God’s presence, inspect your life in light of God’s word, and ask the Holy Spirit to convict you.

The Bible says that blessing and prosperity are ours if we fear and obey the Lord.

Your wife will be like a fruitful vine:

Your wife will be like a fruitful vine within your house; – Psalm 128:3 NLT.

While the husband’s primary responsibility is to provide for the family, God has given all wives a responsibility: They must be fruitful within the house.

Again, the roles in today’s context might have changed as husband and wife work, but the primary responsibilities stay the same. The husband’s primary responsibility is to provide, and the wife’s primary responsibility is to govern the home.

We can see many powerful women who shaped their children’s lives. The story of Moses starts with his mother, who identifies that her baby is special. The story of Samuel starts with Hannah, who prayed for a child and committed the child back to God. The story of Jesus starts with Mary, who was willing to obey and yield to God’s call. These are the mothers who played a crucial role in their children’s lives.

There are examples of mothers who built a strong foundation, which resulted in a great foundation for God’s kingdom. The mothers of John Wesley and Oral Roberts played crucial roles in creating them. They became a great Godly man.

So many wives consider their responsibility inside their homes equivalent to that of a housemaid. They think it is too small, and they want to be successful in the corporate world.

God does not stop those who want to be successful but want to remember their primary responsibilities at home. In Heaven’s view, success in the corporate world is too small compared to the creation of great prophets such as Samuel and Moses, who were a great blessing for many generations.

Dear sister, God wants to bless your home and make you a fruitful vine. Will you be willing to fear God and obey Him in all your ways?

Your Children will be Olive Shoots:

Your children will be like olive shoots around your table. – Psalm 128:3 NLT

Many parents have anxious thoughts about their children’s future and current situation. God desires to bless our children. The Bible says, “Children are God’s gift.” God always gives the best gift.  

Why does the Bible compare children with Olive shoots?

An Olive shoot takes a long time to bear fruit. It takes around 20 years to start producing fruit. A gardener has to invest a long time in an Olive shoot without expecting any benefits. But once it starts bearing fruit, it bears fruit for thousands of years. We can find Olive trees that are thousands of years old and still bear fruits.

Similarly, our children are to be fed, nurtured, taught, and disciplined at a young age. God wants to bless and mold them so they can grow like olive trees and bear fruits forever.

Psalm 128 offers great blessings for every family willing to fear and obey God. Do you want this blessing for your family? Please gather your family and invite Jesus into your family.

Let’s pray to Jesus. Husbands, Jesus wants to bless the fruit of your labor. He wants to make your children olive shoots so that they will be great blessings for your family and everyone around you. Wives, he wants you to make you a fruitful vine. Let’s pray to Jesus.

Please place your hand on your heart and pray the prayer below in your own words. Jesus wants to bless you and make your family prosperous. Let’s pray.

Dear Jesus, we are praying with our dear brother and sister. You are our God. You live forever. We are like grass that withers without leaving any trace. Our lives are fleeting. Please help us to understand how small we are and fear you with all our hearts. Teach us to obey all your commandments. Give us a heart to love and follow you all through our lives. Please forgive all our past mistakes.

We invite you into our families. You have promised great blessings to our family. Please bless the fruit of our labor. We are praying along with those who need deliverance from the financial crisis. We are praying for those who have been tired of searching for jobs for a long time. Please bless them. Give them a good job. Bless the fruit of their labor. We are praying for those who have a business and are struggling right now. Please bless them.

We are praying for our children. Please bless them. Help them to honor you through their lives and actions. You be their heavenly father. We pray along with the parents who are carrying heavy burdens for their children. Lord, please bring the sons and daughters who have gone far away from you. We believe you are going to bless everyone in the family. We pray in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.

Dear Friend, Thank you so much for joining us today. Jesus heard your prayers and will surely answer them. Please continue to hold on to Him.

Do you have a prayer request? You can leave your prayer requests in the below comment section. We will pray for you.

22 thoughts on “God wants to bless your family”

  1. I have been married to my wife for 5 years and we have no children despite all the efforts we are making. I am also suffering from not enjoying the fruit of my labour.problems have drain all my savings and now I am indebted. Please pray for me

    • Dear Konrad, we are praying for your family. If you do not have the habit of praying together every day as a family, please do that. There is a power in family prayers. Please unite your hearts before Jesus every day and invite Him into your family. The Bible says the Children are the gift from God. He will give you as a gift and bless your job.

      The Bible says, “Cast your burden on the Lord and He will sustain and uphold you; He will never allow the righteous to be shaken.” – Psalm 55:22. Jesus will lead you as you seek Him. We are praying along with you.

  2. I kindly request prayers for my daughter’s deliverance from Spiritual attack so that she will go back to School. I also request prayer for me to get a permanent job.

    • Dear Mosele, we are praying for your daughter. Jesus loves her dearly. Let’s go to His presence and pray to Him. The Bible says, “Is anything too difficult or too wonderful for the Lord?” Jesus said, “All things are possible for those who believe.” Let’s believe in the name of Jesus. He is our hope and answer to all our prayers. May Jesus bless you and make you a blessing for many.

  3. Please pray for my who is suffering from heart disease and there is a jam in his heart he is going for a checkup tomorrow after taking a medicine. And going to check whether the problem in his heart is cured or it needs some surgery. Please pray for them and pray for my father, mother,sister, grand mother and my friend and his family and all the innocent people to accept jesus as he is only way to heaven kindly pray for them to believe in him to have a eternal life.

    • Dear Sudharshini, we are praying for your dear father. Jesus loves him. Please gather your family and pray for Him. Let’s go to the greatest healer who carried all our sickness on the cross. May Jesus bless your family and fill them with heavenly peace. Keep in touch.

  4. For His forgiveness for my sins, to get out of debt, to be financially free, and for His Will to be done in my life, family, marriage and career.

    • Dear Herman, we are praying for you. Jesus loves you. He cares for you. He has died on the cross to wash away all your past. The Bible says, “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” He is faithful to change your life and bless your family, marriage and career.

      The Bible says, “Which of you, if your son asks for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a snake? If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!” He will surely hear your prayers and answer them. Do not lose hope. We are praying along with you.

  5. Good Morning.
    Please pray for me I’m into so much debts to don’t know how to come out from it.
    And all my sons are into drugs addictions for many years.
    Diabetes too for me. Thanks

    • Dear Gladys, we are praying for you. Jesus love your family. He cares for your son. Jesus died on the cross to redeem them from the clutches of drugs. Let’s go to His presence and pray to Him. He is our loving heavenly father. Let’s continue to pray to Him. He will open the doors for you and lift you up from all the financial situation. Do not worry.

  6. Thanks so much my prayer request is all about trust in God and believe in him. I want this year to be my year of testimonies. Whatever am laboring please let it be the blessings from the almighty God. I want financial break through and have a free debt life style. Amen.

    • Dear Victor, we are praying for you. Jesus loves you and He wants to set you free from all your past financial burdens. He will surely answer our prayers. It is God’s desire to bless you and make you a blessing for many.

    • Dear Josee, we are praying for you. Jesus loves your family. Please come together and pray to Jesus. He said, “Ask and it shall be given unto you.” Let’s go to His presence and ask. He is our Jehovah Jireh, our provider. Please continue to pray to Jesus. Jesus will answer the prayers.

    • Dear Stella, we are praying for you. Jesus loves you. You are His precious child. It is His desire to fil your life with peace and joy. Please continue to hold on to Him. May Jesus bless you and make you a blessing for many. Keep in touch.

  7. Greetings in Jesus name. Continue to keep me and family in your prayers for miraculous healing and financial breakthrough Amen.
    Thank you

    • Dear Marlene, we are praying for you. Jesus loves your family. He knows the problem you are going through. He wants to heal your heart and fill you with peace. Jesus said, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” May Jesus fill your life with everlasting peace. May Jesus bless you.

    • Dear Lovincer, we are praying for you and your dear husband. Jesus loves your family. He wants to bless your family and make you a great blessing for many.

      The Bible says, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” – Philippians 4:6.

      Let’s seek Him with all our heart and tell him our our need through prayers. He will answer our prayers. May Jesus bless you.


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