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Why Easter and Resurrection So important




We enjoy and celebrate Easter every year. Many forms of celebration in many cultures like Easter bunnies and Easter eggs. The celebrations were also mixed with local cultural celebrations like folk dance and burning of effigies (Ex: Latin America). Easter is a time to rejoice. The cultural celebrations and gatherings are an essential part of Easter, at the same time, they should not dilute the true spirit and reason.

Easters mark the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The resurrection is closely linked to the afterlife i.e. what happens after death? Interestingly, most of the religions accept one or other forms of the afterlife. They also agree there is some form of connection in the afterlife based on the quality of life in the current life. In other words, the widely accepted worldly religious belief system is that the soul of mankind never dies, but it takes different form(s) post-death.

The result of not believing in the afterlife brings a thought that life begins and ends on the earth and there is no moral consequence for our actions. It leads to a fearless and bold social behavior.

If we believe in the afterlife, it’s important to understand what a resurrection is. The definition of resurrection is “One dies and raises to live forever”. Resurrection puts a strong emphasis on a perishable body and everlasting soul. In other words, the human soul formed in the mother’s womb never dies and is programmed to live forever.

We celebrate Easter to celebrate the resurrection of Christ. The Bible says Jesus is the resurrection and life and the one who believes in him will live, even though they die (John 11:25). There is a hope of resurrection for mankind because of Christ’s resurrection. The Bible says, “In fact Christ has been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep. For as by a man came death, by a man has come also the resurrection of the dead. For as in Adam all die, so also in Christ shall all be made alive.” – 1 Cor 15:20-22

If there is no resurrection of Christ then everyone who dies in Christ is lost and the purpose of Christian faith and living is completely lost (1 Cor 15:32). On the other hand, It is only through Christ’s resurrection we get everlasting life. The promise of God on everlasting life (John 3:16) gets fulfilled only through Christ’s resurrection.

Easter gains a lot more significance since it is so personal to us and our eternal life. It gives assurance when we die to our sins through Christ’s, we rise along with him through his resurrection (Romans 6:8,9) and enter everlasting life. When we celebrate Easter next time along with our friends and families, let’s take time to remember Christ’s supreme sacrifice on the cross and his resurrection, which offers eternal life to our souls.

Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here; he has risen

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