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Comfort In the Midst of Grief




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All praise to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. God is our merciful Father and the source of all comfort. – The Bible

Dear friend, when we go through tough situations in life, our hearts get hurt, bruised, and broken. Not all corners of our lives are in our control. Even after much planning, we sometimes walk through many storms in life. Even after we come out of the difficult times, the scar and the hurt remain deep in our hearts for a long time. It comes back to our memory fresh often, and the grief continues until we are fully comforted. If you are one of those who are going through grief, our hearts are with you. We want to pray with you at the end of this article. May Jesus comfort your heart and heal your spirit as you read through. 

Jesus wants to heal your heart. As you watch the video below, may Jesus’s comforting words surround your life and mend all the broken pieces.

Comfort In the midst of Grief

We all need help to comfort our lives when we go through grief. While writing this message, I learned about 577 children who became orphans due to the Covid situation in India during the last eight weeks. These children have lost both their parents due to Covid. The world has gone through immense grief in the past due to the pandemic. We have lost 3.5 million people all around the world. Many lost their job, and businesses have collapsed. The world is looking for comfort and healing. God wants to comfort those in grief. He wants to heal the heart and take away the sorrow.

Jacob, the father of Israel nation, never allowed anyone to comfort him when he came to know about the death of his younger son, Joseph. He kept on weeping amid grief. His heart refused to be comforted by the grief. But God turned his grief into joy. The son he thought had died was sold as a slave and finally became the ruler of Egypt. Jacob was able to meet Joseph once again. The heart of Jacob was comforted. We might have lost our dear family members, relatives, and friends in the past. God will help us to see them again in heaven. Our life will continue beyond death into eternity.

King David, who ruled Israel 3000 years ago found comfort in the arms of God during the darkest times of his life. David wrote, “Even when I walk through the darkest valley, I will not be afraid, for you are close beside me. Your rod and your staff protect and comfort me.” Amid distress, David was not looking at the situation around Him but looking up to God for comfort and guidance. Coming out of one difficult situation does not mean that we have received protection in our lives. There could be another situation tomorrow. But trusting and remaining in God’s protection and comfort all through our lives will help us to walk through the valley of darkness.

The job was a rich man. The Bible describes him as a blameless man of complete integrity. He lived like a prince with many sheep, Oxen, and camels. But he lost everything in a single day. God chose to test him. All his sons and daughters died on the same day. Immense sorrow and grief surrounded Job’s life. He could not be comforted by his friends until the Lord of Heaven came down and spoke to him personally. Some of us might be going through a similar situation as Job. We might have lost everything. God knows how to comfort our hearts and reposition us in our life. 

Ruth just got married. She started her life with her husband and in-laws’ family. Like any other girl who lived in the region of Palestina, she wanted to build her home with many kids. But her life turned in a very different direction. She lost her husband, brother-in-law, and father-in-law. Her future was destroyed. God arranged a special source of comfort for Ruth after she lost everything in a short period. God lifted her from grief. A local rich man, Boaz, saw her diligence and how much she cared for her mother-in-law. He married her. They had children. Ruth was comforted in a very special way. 

The God who created heaven and earth understands how much the human soul needs comfort amid grief. He uniquely offers comfort to each of us and knows how to bring peace to our lives.

Prophet Isaiah conveyed several comforting words from God before God’s judgment fell on the land of Judah. Isaiah wrote, “Comfort, comfort my people, says your God.” God is searching for hearts that are in grief today. He wants to comfort them and fill them with peace. 

Do you want to have a walk with this great comforter? We have a free email program to connect your heart with Jesus. You will receive one email every day for the next three days. It’s your opportunity to find comfort in the arms of Jesus. He knows how to heal your heart. You can fill in the form to subscribe to this program. Please continue to read the rest of the message below.

The Greatest Comforter

God knows we go through much grief and distress in our lives. He wanted someone to be with us to comfort and remove the pain from our hearts. Sometimes, our friends and relatives may be unable to bring comfort. We need a supernatural touch to gel our broken hearts. Hence, Jesus promised to send a comforter who would always be with us to alleviate the pain in our lives. Jesus said, “The Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.” The Holy Spirit is our comforter. He is with you right now.

Dear friend, wherever you are today, would you ask Jesus to send the Holy Spirit into your life? He will come and remove all the grief and heal the wounds. Holy Spirit can remove the irritations, misunderstanding, unforgiven past, and hurt. Life on earth is not easy. It has its challenges and difficulties. The Holy Spirit is in the business of comforting those suffering hurt and grief. All we have to do is to allow God into our life. Invite Him to work through our problems. Stand before Him and wait for Him to flow through our lives. How God can intervene in our lives is beyond human logic.

Please join us as we pray the prayer. Place your hand on your heart and ask Jesus to come into your life. God wants to change your life. Let’s pray.

Dear Jesus, I come to you with a humble heart. You know the situation I am going through. My heart is broken, and I need your help. Please come into my heart and heal the broken pieces of my life. I put my hope in you. Please send the comforter you have promised. I need someone to comfort me and be with me. Please take away all the pain and heal all my hurts. 

Jesus, Forgive all my past mistakes. I am not perfect, and I have done many things wrong. Please wash me with your precious blood. I want to be your child and follow you. 

Holy Spirit, I need your touch in my life. I stand before you. Move through my past, present, and future. Hold my hands and lead me. Wipe away my tears. Surround me with your presence. Be my God. I pray in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.

Dear friend, Jesus listened to your prayers. He will surely comfort your heart. Please hold on to Him. Continue to pray. We are praying for you. May Jesus bless you and make you a blessing for many. May heal your heart and comfort you forever. Jesus wants to comfort your heart.

We are praying for you. Jesus will bring peace and joy into your life and release you from all your problems. May God bless you and make you a blessing for many. 

We want to pray for you. You can send your prayer requests by clicking the Contact Us link below. It will open the default email box on your mobile or laptop. Jesus will answer your prayers and comfort your heart. He deeply cares for your future. Believe Him.

Are you a single mom? Jesus cares for you. Your children have a heavenly father.

You are not alone. Jesus is with you always. He will surely guard your life.

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