The Bible Reading: Psalm 1
They are like trees planted along the riverbank, bearing FRUIT each season. Their leaves never wither, and they PROSPER in all they do. – Psalm 1:3 NLT
Dear Friend, we wish you a happy and blessed New Year. Jesus loves you. He will make you prosper in all you do. He wants you to be fruitful and multiply in the new year.
Some say whatever they do does not prosper and be fruitful. Whatever business they start fails. However hard they work, they don’t get promoted. Some study hard but still fail. Some earn money but still end up in debt. Some say their children’s lives do not prosper. Some might say their relationship is not working. They are still single.
But the Bible says we will prosper in all we do. Is the Bible wrong? Is this promise void? Certainly not! Indeed, let God be true but every man a liar.–Romans 3:4 NKJV.
Let’s delve deeper into God’s word and embrace it as absolute truth, unwavering in our faith in His promises.
Every promise in the Bible comes with a set of conditions. God wants us to be fruitful and prosper, and our faith and obedience are key to unlocking these promises.
Today, we will see how we can prosper and what prosperity means.
The Bible says, “They are like trees planted along the riverbank, bearing FRUIT each season. Their leaves never wither, and they PROSPER in all they do.”– Psalm 1:3 NLT.
Let’s start to understand what “being fruitful” means.
You can listen to the message in youtube here:
What is being fruitful?
God blessed Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, saying, “Be fruitful and multiply.” He also promised the same to Noah (Genesis 9:1), Abraham (Genesis 17:6), and Jacob (Genesis 35:11).
A fruit in a plant is key for producing others of its kind. It has a seed, which has life, and the seed produces another plant.
Seeds in apple fruit produce another apple tree. An orange fruit seed produces another Orange tree.
Similarly, God created man and woman in His own image and blessed them to be fruitful and multiply so that they could fill the whole earth with God’s image.
God blessed all His children to be fruitful so that they could fill the earth with His image. God is looking for spiritual multiplication and exponential growth. That can only happen if each one of us is fruitful.
Why does God want You and me to be fruitful?
A dry plant can not produce fruit, and a rotten tree can not produce healthy fruit with seeds. The tree needs to be fully nourished and well watered to produce fruit of its kind and multiply.
God wants to keep us healthy spiritually, physically, and emotionally so that we can produce fruit and multiply. Jesus wants to fulfill His heavenly plan through us. He wants us to be fruitful so the world sees His glory. Do you want to be part of God’s great plan?
If you have not accepted Christ and invited Him into your life, please follow this link => Jesus wants to forgive your past.
God does not make people fruitful and prosper them to encourage their selfish interests. God wants to bless us, make us prosper so that we can bless others, and create and expand God’s kingdom.
This is part of God’s promise to Abraham: ” I will make you into a great nation. I will bless you and make you famous, and you will be a blessing to others.“—Genesis 12:2 NLT.
Look at God’s promise to Abraham. His promise to bless Abraham involves blessing others through Him. He also wants to do the same if we choose to be a conduit for passing God’s blessing to others.
Jesus showed us how to be a blessing to others. He said, “Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” – Matthew 20:28 NLT.
Jesus came to this world not to gain power and rule the people but to serve them by wiping away their tears and healing them spiritually and physically. To understand the goals and objectives of Jesus’s ministry on earth, you can read here => Who is Jesus?
Jesus is looking for someone who can do the same today. He is looking to bless someone so that others can be blessed so that the world can be blessed.
Please stop for a moment and think about it.
Why are we not being blessed? Is it because our hearts are selfish? Are we unwilling to be God’s conduit of blessing?
Is being fruitful optional?
Choosing to be fruitful is not optional. It is mandatory. Everyone who enjoys God’s grace is expected to be fruitful.
Jesus reminds us of what will happen when our lives are not fruitful through the Barren Fig Tree parable.
He cuts off every branch of mine that doesn’t produce fruit. – John 15:2 NLT.
God gets upset when our lives do not yield fruits. Prophet Isaiah narrates God’s concern.
He (God) dug it up and cleared it of stones
and planted it with the choicest vines.
He built a watchtower in it
and cut out a winepress as well.
Then he looked for a crop of good grapes,
but it yielded only bad fruit. – Isaiah 5:2 NIV
We do not want to be a barren fig tree, and we do not want to be in a place where God could cut us off.
How can you be fruitful?
God wants to make you fruitful and use you for His glorious plan.
The Bible guides us in being fruitful. Let’s revisit the first two verses of Psalm 1, which we started with.
- Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers;
- But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night. – Psalm 1:1,2 NLT
The first verse offers guidance on what we should not do, while the second verse tells us what to do.
Both verses in Psalm 1, written by King David, convey the simple principle that to be more fruitful, we should move away from the world and closer to our Lord.
Jesus said, “Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit.” – John 15:5 NLT.
The only way we can be fruitful and prosperous in this world is by being with Jesus. He is our source of nourishment. He is the vine, and we are the branches. Jesus said, “For apart from me you can do nothing.“
You can read below to understand why our lives are not fruitful based on Jesus’s parable, “Sower and the Seed. ” Here => Why is our life not fruitful? What hinders our life from becoming fruitful?
Is your life fruitful and Prosperous?
Dear friend, do you believe your life is not blessed and prosperous? Jesus wants to mend your life and make it fruitful. Today is your day. Allow Him into your life.
Invite Jesus into your life and tell him that you will remain in Him. Remaining with Jesus means holding His hands and walking every step of your life. Pray every day and ask for His guidance before making decisions. Ask Him to fill you with His power so that you can fight the enemy trying to steal all your blessings.
Jesus wants you to be fruitful, and He wants you to be prosperous so that you can be a blessing to many. So that you can multiply and establish the kingdom of God on this earth. Will you say yes to Him today?
Let’s go to His presence and pray to Him.
Dear Jesus, I ( Insert your name here) want to be fruitful and prosperous in all the things I do this year. I want to be a blessing to others. I want to glorify your name through my life. Please take away all my selfishness from my life. Please help me to remain in you. You are my true vine. I am your branches. I want to draw all my nourishment from your presence. Without you, I can not do anything. I humble myself before you.
Jesus, please forgive all my past mistakes. Wash me with your precious blood. You alone know my future. I surrender the year 2025 into your hands. I believe in you. I put all my hope in you. In the mighty name of Jesus, I pray. Amen.
Dear friend, we wish you a wonderful and prosperous new year. Please invite Jesus into your life. He will make your life a blessing for many.
Thanks so much for this beautiful message I’m so pleased
Please Lord grant my dream and help me become all the things you wish me to be.
Thank you very much for such a wonderful massage I’m so blessed by the massage
Thank you!! 🙏🙏🙏
Thank you for the reminder that if we remain in God we will be fruitful.
Please pray for me to be a guide for my young children so that myself and my children will grow closer to Christ.
May everything I do be for the glory of God and serve as an example to my children how to be in the Lords service always
Amen. Tony, We are praying along with you.