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Who Is Jesus?




Dear friend, Do you want to know who Jesus is and why He came to this world?

People have different views about Jesus. Christians worship him. Jews oppose Him. Some call him a prophet. Others consider him as one of the Gods. Few consider him a holy man who lived many years ago.

Many use the name of Jesus in moments of excitement, anger, and frustration. But somehow, billions of times, the name of Jesus is being pronounced worldwide each day for a good or bad reason. 

Meaning of the Name Jesus:

The name Jesus means savior or deliverer. Jesus never had a powerful army. His followers were uneducated and ordinary fishermen. He was never after authority and power. He spent all His time with ordinary men. How can He deliver anyone?

Jesus came to deliver people. His battle was not against the earthly people but against the spiritual enemy. He wanted to deliver everyone from the oppression of sins by offering forgiveness. He delivered people from sin, disease, and the bondage.

Jesus was born two thousand years ago in a cattle shed. He never traveled more than a few hundred miles from His birth. But he has more followers, even after many years. Many books have been written about Jesus.

No hatred and no punishment from powerful rulers of this world could take His name out of people’s hearts. They continue to call out His name and follow His teaching. What did Jesus teach that made such a profound impact on people’s minds?

The Goal Of Jesus Life on earth:

Jesus summarized the purpose of His life on earth in the below words.

Jesus said, “The Spirit of the Lord is on me because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.”

No better declaration summarizes the purpose of the life of Jesus than the above one. What does this statement mean to our life?

Jesus Came to Deliver a Good News:

Jesus came to proclaim the good news of forgiveness. He offered forgiveness for free to everyone who came to Him by paying all the costs of forgiveness himself on the cross.

We know this as a substitutionary atonement. Jesus took the place of sinners like you and me. He substituted or took our place. He took all the punishment that we are supposed to receive. As a result, a sinless Jesus became a sinner and made a sinful man sinless.

Dear friend, are you trying ways to cleanse your life from past mistakes? Do you think no one can forgive your past mistakes? Jesus came to this world not to punish anyone but to forgive. He hated the sins, but he loved the sinners.

How can the heavenly father punish His own child? He can only discipline. My dear friend, you are His precious child. He came just for you and me so that our past mistakes can be forgiven.

Jesus came to offer Freedom for prisoners:

A bad tree that gives bad fruit can not start giving good fruit suddenly. But when the branches of bad trees are crafted with a good tree, it will start producing good fruits.

The nourishment and nature of the good tree will start flowing into the bad tree. Soon, the bad tree will start producing good fruits due to the nourishment of a good tree.

Our efforts cannot improve our lives or our thoughts. We can not escape our obsessions and bondages by our efforts. Self-discipline may not work with some obsessions. We need to be crafted along with the good tree of Jesus Christ.

Are you one of those who is trying to come out of your obsessions and bondage? Are you tangled in bondage right now and looking for help? Jesus can free you today. He wants to break the bondage and free you today. Are you ready to call His name?

Jesus came to give sight to the blind:

We can not wash our past mistakes by doing a lot of charity or visiting many holy places. Offerings or tithes can not make us pure. Jesus came to open everyone’s eyes and to give forgiveness for our mistakes, free of cost.

No money will be paid because he paid the price for our forgiveness. There is no place to be visited. We can receive it right now and right where we are.

We can receive eternal forgiveness for our past mistakes right now. Jesus paid for our mistakes through His death. Doing good to others is very important, but it will not wash away our past mistakes. Jesus can open our spiritual eyes today. He can help us see beyond the curtains.

Are you looking for healing? Jesus wants to heal you physically, spiritually, and emotionally from all your past. Believe, Pray, and Be Healed in the name of Jesus.

Jesus came to Free the Oppressed:

Are you oppressed and burdened because of debt, sickness, divination, or generational curses? Jesus came to this world to free oppressed people. We might think there is no solution to our problem. Our minds can say all hope is lost.

But Jesus can open new doors for us today. Jesus said, Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.

The blood of Jesus can break every oppression and every chain. What we can not do, Jesus can do. He can give rest to our souls and fill our lives with peace. Are you longing for freedom from your burdens? Jesus can help you today.

Jesus wants to set you free from all your past.

Jesus came to proclaim the Year of the Lord’s favor:

God is a righteous judge and a compassionate God. He sent His only son, Jesus, so that we might escape His judgment. Humanity will not be punished for its mistakes and disobedience against God just because Jesus took all the punishment for our sins and took our place. God punished His son instead of us so that we would not go through punishment. He made His son, Jesus, as a sinner so that our sins would not be weighed upon us.

The favor or grace of God has a limit and a time frame. Jesus proclaimed the end times of the world and warned everyone about the time when God’s favor would be taken away. There will be a time for judgment. The favor will cease. Signs Jesus mentioned about the judgment days are fulfilled one after the other. The day is fast approaching. We have time to seek God today. Can we seek Him right now?

Dear friend, this is the focus of Jesus’s ministry. He healed the sick and forgave the sinners. He died on the cross for our mistakes. On the third day, He raised back to life again. He will come back as a judge soon.

Today is your day:

Dear friend, today is your day. Will you reconcile your life with Jesus by asking for forgiveness? Jesus loves you. He wants to free you from your bondage and obsessions and heal your sickness. Shall we pray now? Will you place your hands on your heart and pray to Jesus? We are praying along with you. Jesus will place His nail-pierced hand on top of your hand. May He touch you and heal your heart. May He take away all the hurt from your life and fill your life with peace. May He remove all the oppression from your life. Believe Him. Jesus is going to fill your life with peace. He loves you.

Please say the following prayer in your own words. Call out the name of Jesus. He is your deliverer.

Dear Jesus, You came to this world to forgive my past mistakes. You took all my sins of mine upon you. You are the God who created the heavens and the earth. But you became a sinner for my sake. Jesus, please forgive my past. Help me come out of my repeated sins. Heal all the hurt and the pain in my life. I want to be your child. I want to follow you with all my heart. Please cover my life with your protection. I believe in you. I put all my trust in you. In Jesus’s name, I pray. Amen.

Dear friend, We are praying for you. Jesus loves you. May God bless you and make you a blessing for many.

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Humble your heart before the Lord. Connect with Jesus today. God is waiting for you. Please do not let this time slip away without making a decision to follow Christ.

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