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It does not matter how deep is your debt, Jesus can lift you out of it.




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Dear friend, are you in deep debt? Are you searching for ways to get out of it? There is hope. It does not matter how much your debt is today. Jesus wants to help you. He is our heavenly father, and he cares for us.

You may think you have exhausted all options. But God can open new doors for you. As a heavenly father, He cares for every one of our well-being. 

No debt is so deep that God can not solve it. We have testimonies from people who have experienced life-changing situations through the power of God. The same God who helped others can help you too. Do not think everything is over.

At the end of this message, we are going to pray along with you. You can watch the below youtube video to know about how to pray.

Source of Debt

Many people have emailed us and asked us to pray for their debt. We understand the desperation they go through while their creditors are chasing them.

Some are even afraid to pick up their mobile phones when they ring, as they might receive another unpleasant call from the creditor.

Some wanted to escape from the situation. We pray for each one of them. We understand how difficult the situation is.

More than us, the God who created each one of us understands our hearts. He wants to help. He is a wonderful shepherd who cares for his sheep.

Based on the emails we have received, the source of debt originates from two primary causes. One reason for getting into debt is a genuine need for money. They borrow money for their financial needs.

The genuine reason, for example, could be due to lack of sufficient income in the family, loss of a job, sickness, or something that might have forced them to quit their job. 

The second reason for the debt could originate from extravagant spending, lack of contentment in life, and obsession such as gambling. 

If you are in debt today for the second reason, please ask Jesus to forgive your past mistakes. He is your heavenly father. He will surely forgive your past and draw you closer to Him. He will also help you to come out of the obsession, such as gambling. 

Connect with Jesus

Dear Reader, if you have not connected with Jesus before, today is your time. The Bible says, “Your iniquities have separated you from your God; your sins have hidden his face from you, so that he will not hear.

Our past mistakes can make our prayers unreachable to God. When we have unforgiven past mistakes, our call for help might not even reach Jesus. But the Good news is that Jesus wants to forgive our past mistakes and help us.

The Bible says, “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” All we have to do is confess our past mistakes from the bottom of our hearts. Jesus is faithful to forgive our past. Shall we do that?

Before we pray for the debt, let’s connect our hearts with Jesus. Please humble your heart and place your hand on your heart and tell Jesus that you are feeling sorry for all your past mistakes. Jesus will show the areas that you need to correct. He will show the bitterness and the hatred in your heart.

What you can’t forgive Jesus can help you to forgive. Please say the following prayer in your own words. What is impossible for us is possible for Jesus.

Dear Jesus, I come to your presence with a humble heart. You are my heavenly father who cares for me. Please come into my life. Forgive my past mistakes. I am sorry. I have done so many mistakes in my past. I will never repeat them again.

Jesus, please wash me with your precious blood. You are my God. I have made so many wrong choices without consulting you. I would not be in my current situation if I had consulted you in every major decision of my life.

Forgive me. If there is any greediness for money, please take it away from my life. If there are any obsessions, please help me get out of them right now. Please change my life. Give me a new heart.

Help me to follow you with all my heart. Jesus, You are my God, who genuinely cares about my future. Please come into my life and lead me. In Jesus’s mighty name, we pray. Amen.

Dear friend, if you have prayed the above prayer from the bottom of your heart, then Jesus has already forgiven all your past mistakes. There is no sin Jesus can not forgive. Receive the assurance of forgiveness. 

Before we continue praying for you, we encourage you to participate in our free five-day “Journey to freedom from debt” email program. If you want to subscribe to the program, you can fill in the form below.

You can unsubscribe at any time. If you are not interested, please continue to read. We would like to pray along with you.

Praying for the Debt

Let’s now go to the presence of Jesus and pray for the debt. It does not matter how big is your debt. Let’s go to the presence of Jesus and ask him to come into our life. He is a good shepherd who knows how to lead us through the perils of life. 

Please pray the below prayer in your own words. We are praying along with you. Above all, Jesus is with you. He is hearing your prayers. He wants to wipe away your tears and bring you out of the debt. The Bible says, “For everyone who asks, receives. Everyone who seeks, finds. And to everyone who knocks, the door will be opened.

Let’s ask, seek and knock on the doors of heaven right now. 

Dear Jesus, You know the situation I go through. You know the amount of debt I carry. Jesus, I can only come to you for help. Please help me. You know my past, present, and future. You are my heavenly father. Please lift me out of this. I need your help.

I come to you with a humble heart. I surrender my life into your hand. I have faith you can do mighty things for me. I surrender my life to you.

Please hold on to my hands and lead me. I do not know what to do and where to go. But you are the God who created heaven and the earth. You can lead me. You can open new doors for me. I put all my trust in you.

You are my hope. Please come into my life and show me the way to go. Jesus, you have heard my prayers. You will surely answer them. I pray in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.

Dear friend, Jesus loves you. He cares for your life. Let’s continue to seek Him. Your prayers will never go in vain. Before you go away, we would like to pray for you. 

Dear Jesus, we are praying for the dear sister / dear brother who has prayed for their debt. Jesus, you are our God. Where else we will go. You alone can help our dear friend. Please fill their heart with your heavenly peace.

Take away the depression and the anxieties that are disturbing their mental peace. Jesus, even though they go through a difficult situation let your joy and comfort surround them. We pray for those who are praying for a new job. Please help them to find a good job.

We pray for those who go through sickness and are stuck in obsession. May your healing hands touch their life and heal them spiritually and physically. We believe in you. You are a miracle-working God. Nothing is impossible for you.

Please bless everyone who prayed this prayer. Open their eyes. Let them see the beautiful things you have prepared for their life. We pray in the mighty name of Jesus, Amen. 

We are praying for you. Jesus will surely bring peace and joy in your life. He will release you from all your problems. May God bless you and make you a blessing for many. 

Your Help is a prayer away.

Have you accepted Christ and want to know how to follow Him? To know more you can read here =>

We are here to pray for you. Please send your prayer requests by clicking below button. Please state the reason for prayers, while contacting us. We will pray for you. Jesus will answer the prayers. 

Dear reader, are you going through a depression because of the financial crisis? Jesus wants to speak to you. He knows how to calm your mind. You can read more on the topic of how to come out of the debt here

Jesus wants to heal the negative thoughts in our mind 

Are you going through sickness? Jesus cares for your life. He wants to heal us.

Are you tired of everything in life? Jesus knows the life on earth is challenging. He is a great comforter, counsellor, healer and our savior. 

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18 thoughts on “It does not matter how deep is your debt, Jesus can lift you out of it.”

  1. Please, I beg you, pray for us. I am at the brink of ending it all, crushed under the weight of unrelenting debt. This has been our reality for years, and it’s only spiraling deeper into despair. Every day is a nightmare, and I don’t know where else to turn for help. Our bills pile up, my son’s tuition looms, the car, the apartment—so many loans with punishing interest rates, and we’ve even had to surrender our passports and work permits just to borrow a little more.

    I am utterly exhausted, drained from this endless struggle. We’re just ordinary teachers, scraping by on salaries that can never stretch far enough. We’re not paid like native speakers, and as contract workers, if there’s no work, there’s no pay. It feels like we’re trapped in quicksand, sinking deeper with every attempt to get free. There’s no joy left in our lives, just constant arguments, blame, and the unbearable stress of wondering how we ended up like this. If only we had enough to clear these debts, we could breathe again—get our lives back, offer everything we have to God.

    I’m breaking under the pressure. The anxiety and fear overwhelm me every time I receive a message reminding me of what we owe. It feels like I’m suffocating, and the only thing keeping me going is my sons. I love my family, I want to see my son graduate, but I am reaching my limit. Please, please pray for us. We need a miracle.

    • Dear Shalie, we are praying for you. Jesus loves you. He will answer all the prayers. Please pray together as a family. Gather you family and go to the presence of Jesus. Invite Jesus into your family. Ask Him to lead you. He will surely show you a way. He is a way maker and a miracle worker. He will make all things possibles. If your health permits fast and pray. May Jesus bless you.

  2. I greet you all in the mighty name of Jesus. I have so many debts in my life. I owe a lot of people money and it doesn’t end there, I also owe credit cards, loans, phones, etc. My car insurance have been discontinued and I am now under debt review. I do not look forward to my payday because it comes with a lot of stress. The money is short every month and I have to borrow money to pay people so that those people can borrow me money to do the basic things like buying groceries, toiletries and my little girl’s supplies.

    I got an opportunity to get out of the loan sharks but I found myself in that situation again due to the fact that I forgot to pay one person. I feel like I am in the never ending cycle of financial burdens. It seems like there is no way out. I would get so frustrated when the loan sharks contacts me asking for their money, The thought of owing so many people money who cause me to feel like I am losing my breathe and I would shake, literally.

    I feel like my prayers will never be answered because I have been in this situation since 2021. It’s frustrating when you do not know when it’s gonna end. I sometimes decides not to pray, I lose hope and faith sometimes because to me it seems like even if I pray, nothing is going to happen anyway. But God comes through for me when I feel like I can’t take it anymore, He make ways for me and I end up praying again.

    Please pray for me, I am tired of suffering, I am tired of not having enough, I am tired of living in lack and limitation. I am just tired, I don’t know what to do. I don’t even have a plan.

    • Dear Friend, Jesus loves you. He will surely answer your prayers. Please continue to hold on to Him. May Jesus bless you.

  3. I faced the most difficult part of my life I owed money to 28 online lending everyday they send me unpleasant messages.receiving harassment calls and messages .They already called my references. I dont know where to go and how to resolve my problem. I am just an ordinary employee. I wanted to end my life but I have two kids ..Please help me

  4. July 29 ,2024 at3:41am. Manaus, AmaZonas,Brazil
    Thanks for your prayers.
    Since after covid 19 ,I stopped working.
    I am a single Mother with the age of 67.
    I have two 2 sons (49 & 35 ) with mental problems.
    It is very difficult for me and I am owing 2 Credit cards.And I am unable to pay what I am owing because I need to buy food and pay my water and light Bill every month.
    I have already accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour.And He has been providing our necessities.I praise and Thank Him for His love and mercy. Amen!

  5. Very uplifting. Lord strengthen my faith to receive and manifest the answers to these wonderful prayers


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Humble your heart before the Lord. Connect with Jesus today. God is waiting for you. Please do not let this time slip away without making a decision to follow Christ.

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