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Jesus Can Heal Your Relationship | Believe Him




Dear friend, Is your heart troubled because of what is going on in your marriage? Are you searching for peace from the storm you are going through in married life? Jesus can bring peace into your relationship. Please allow Him to work through your problem. Invite Him into your life. Ask him for help. He is your heavenly father. He cares for your future. Jesus will surely listen to your call and help you. Wherever you are right now please humble your heart and bring your problems to the feet of Jesus. 

Reconcile With Jesus

Dear friend, please search deep in your heart. Before you search for answers and solutions to the problems that are coming from others, we humbly ask you to focus on your heart. The problem in the relationship could be because of your unknown or known behavior. It could be because of your attitude or choice of words being used daily. God can reveal it when you open your heart and allow Him to convict you. May He reveal to you, if you have done anything wrong against your spouse. Based on the conviction you are receiving from God please ask Jesus to forgive you. Tell God how sorry you are. Allow God to change you. May Jesus mold your heart and remove the sharp edges that are damaging your marriage. 

Dear friend, are you obsessed to something in your life. Are there any secret sins in your life? You may think nobody knows about it. It might be a well-concealed secret. But it is very much visible to both God and Satan, the source of blessing and curse respectively in our life. Jesus can heal you today and help you to come out of the obsessions or secret sins. He can break the chains of bondage. Please invite Him and make Him the master of your life. 

Please pray the below prayer in your own words and ask for forgiveness.

Dear Jesus, Thank you for your conviction. I humble my heart and come to you. Thank you for showing me the areas I have to change. I have always blamed my spouse for everything. I am so sorry for what I have done. I want to change. Please forgive my past. I have made wrong decisions in my life. I have chosen the wrong words. Please wash me with your precious blood and cleanse me. Purify my heart. Give me a new heart. Help me not to commit this mistake again. Change my life. Help me to rectify my mistakes. I thank you for forgiving me. Please bring peace to our family. Through my words and my actions, let me glorify your name. In Jesus's name, I pray. Amen.

Friend, If you have prayed the above prayer, God has forgiven your past. The Bible says, "if we confess our sins to him, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all wickedness"

Forgive Your Spouse:

Now you have asked for forgiveness for your past, and you are sure God has forgiven you. Please be ready to forgive your spouse. If your spouse has done something against you, please forgive him or her. Forgiving others is not easy. But Jesus will give you an attitude to forgive your spouse. 

Pray for your spouse. Ask Jesus to release him or her from the sin that has entangled your spouse. Your enemy is not your spouse. It is the spirit that is entangling your husband or your wife. Please invite Jesus into your family. Ask Him to free your spouse. He will surely do it. There is nothing impossible for Jesus. He is the God who created heaven and the earth. All things are possible for Him. Please place your hand on your heart and bring your spouse before your eyes. Ask Jesus to give you the spiritual strength to forgive him or her. Plead with Jesus to release your husband or wife from the spirit of obsession, the spirit of lust, or any other form of sin. Jesus will answer the prayer. Believe in Him.

Family Prayer

Dear friend, if you do not have the habit of family prayer, please start it immediately. This is the greatest fortress against any attack from the enemy on your family. Either morning or evening, gather your family together for a time of prayer. Do not forget to invite your children to this prayer. If your spouse is not interested to join, please go ahead and get started with the other family member. You can read a short portion of bible verses and start praying. You can start with five minutes of prayer and slowly expand it as the Lord leads you. Every day let the prayer cover your family. May the protection of the Lord surround your family. May the spirit of God move amid your family every hour.

Keep Your marriage Pure

The Bible says For you are a slave to whatever controls you. We always think we are free men. But many factors try to enslave us. We might think watching an explicit content movie is not wrong. Some may think watching adult movies as husband and wife together is not wrong. But please be always watchful. You may be a person very close to God. But satan is roaming around like a roaring lion to enslave us subtly. Jesus said, no one can serve two masters. He will serve one and hate others. If Jesus is our master then no impure things can enter our life. Keep your marriage holy. Stay away from anything that is not holy. Keep your eyes, words, ears, and thoughts clean. 

Jesus can heal your marriage independent of the circumstances you are going through right now. He can reconcile you and your spouse. Do not think about breaking your marriage relationship. Will you gather your family and start praying right now? 

Please place your hands on your head and start praying to Jesus. May Jesus place His hands on top of your hands. May His peace fill your heart as you pray the below prayer. May the presence of God fill your heart. Pray along with us. 

Dear Jesus. I come to your presence. Please heal my marriage. I have done mistakes and I want to forgive what my spouse has done. Please give me the strength to accept my mistakes and correct myself. I want to feel your presence every day in our family. Please come into our home and fill our home with your peace and joy. I pray for my spouse. Remove all the arguments and misunderstandings in my family. Help us to forgive each other. Give your words of wisdom. Help us to live a life glorifying your name. I pray in Jesus's name, Amen.

We are praying for everyone who is visiting our website. May Jesus bless you and make you a blessing for many. He will surely fill your family with peace.

Have you accepted Christ and want to know how to follow Him? To know more you can read here =>

We are praying for you. Jesus will surely bring peace and joy in your life. He will release you from all your problems. May God bless you and make you a blessing for many.

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