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What Does the Resurrection Power Mean to us?




No one can take my life from me. I sacrifice it voluntarily. For I have the authority to lay it down when I want to and also to take it up again. For this is what my Father has commanded. (NLT)

My Dear Friend, not many can make such a bold statement. Jesus said that He has the power not only to lay down His life but also to take it up again. This bold statement was a major concern for the religious leaders who conspired to kill Him. To further complicate the matter Jesus said, “Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up”. What he meant by the temple is his own body. This is the evidence He gave to the religious leaders to prove that He is the son of God. When Jesus was crucified on the cross, the religious leaders posted guards to guard his grave to make sure nobody steals the body and claim Jesus has resurrected. 

After all the precautions taken to stop the resurrection, Jesus resurrected from death and his physical body disappeared from the grave. If you doubt the resurrection of Jesus, You can read the evidence for the resurrection here. After His resurrection, Jesus appeared to His disciples and to over five hundred people. The eye witness of His resurrection compiled the books of the Bible. Most of the eyewitnesses who wrote about Jesus died the martyr’s death during the reign of Nero. 

Importance of Jesus’s resurrection

The infinite importance of Christianity hangs on the Godship, crucifixion, and resurrection of Jesus. If you have questions on the Godship of Jesus, you can read here to know, if Jesus is really God? 

If Christ is truly God and if He was really crucified and resurrected to save mankind out of His abundant love for us then, His statements can not be ignored lightly. If Jesus is still alive, then He is there to fulfill every promise He has made for us. What are some of his promises?

Eternal Life

Through His death and resurrection, Jesus showed there is life beyond death for all of us. Jesus came to earth to show us the way and lead us to a life beyond death. He called the life beyond death as Eternal life. Its a life of peace and joy with no end. The eternal life reverses the curse every human inherited because of His disobedience. According to the curse, the earth will make our life difficult and painful. Jesus came to earth and made himself a curse and bore the punishment of all the disobedience on the cross by shedding His own blood. Through His death on the cross, He established peace between God and man by offering forgiveness for all our sins. Jesus is giving an invitation to all of us to be resurrected like Him and enjoy a life of Joy and Peace throughout eternity.

Peace on Earth

Jesus said, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” 

Dear Friend, There are problems in our life. All of us go through issues such as health issues, debt, bondage, addictions or relationship issues. Some of you might go through some intense situations. You are desperately looking for help. Jesus promises to take us through our problems. He did not say our life on earth will cruise drive all the way. But Jesus will be there to give you peace and take your burden as you go through your difficult times.

I was last my sensation in my body and I lost the ability to speak for a few minutes. I was rushed to the emergency. Doctors concluded that I have brain cancer. But God took me through. He showed me he is in control of everything. His peace covered me in the operation theatre. He came to visit me while I was in the intensive care unit. I saw His magnificent and powerful presence. I learned precious lessons about God through difficult times. 

Have you anytime asked God to fill your life with peace? If not, please do it right away. He will surely fill your life with His peace and purpose. Your heal will stop fretting and find calmness in the presence of Jesus. 

God is in Control

Jesus is alive and control of all situations around your life. It does not matter what happens in the stock market. It does not matter what will happen to the future because of the pandemic. God is in control of our life. He is always in control. He will take us through. Bible says, “No harm will overtake you, no disaster will come near your tent”. It does not say there will not any disaster or harm. It will be there. But God will not allow the disaster to touch us. He will protect us under His wings. 

Are you worried about your future? Jesus said. Do not be afraid. I am the First and the Last.18 I am the Living One; I was dead, and now look, I am alive for ever and ever! And I hold the keys of death and Hades”. 

Dear Friend, Jesus is alive. He listens to your prayers intently and answers every one of them. He is standing right next to you, and He loves you. Wherever you are today God knows your heart. Will you call Him right now and fill your life with Peace and Joy? He will give you the assurance of eternal life and lead you through our situation. Look up to Him and find the true purpose of your life. Let’s pray.

Dear God, You have the right to lay down your life and the right to take it back again. Thank you for dying on the cross to forgive my mistakes. You are the beginning and the end. The source of peace and path to eternal life. You are the only way. Let me follow you with all my heart. Teach me every day how to find shelter under your wings. Be my God and instruct me on the choices and decisions I have to make in my life. In Jesus’s name, I pray. Amen.

Dear friend, we are praying for everyone who is visiting our website. May God speak to your heart today and fill you with His heavenly Joy. May God bless you and make you a blessing for many.

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