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What Shall i do Lord?




“‘What shall I do, Lord?’ I asked. – Apostle Paul (Acts 22:10)

Paul knew he would be arrested once he reached Jerusalem. At the end of his third missionary journey, many prophecies forewarned him that he would be bound if he returned to Jerusalem. When he reached Jerusalem, people found him in the temple.

When the uproar started, the Roman commander decided to intervene and arrest Paul for a mistaken identity (Acts 21:38). Paul had to give his identity and asked for permission to speak.

Paul narrates his dramatic encounter with God in Aramaic, which was the common man’s language in those days. Paul is no ordinary man. He is highly intelligent, a Roman citizen who studied under Gamaliel and was a trained Pharisee. He was sure that Jesus was not a messiah and was zealous to stop the spread of Christianity. He had the support of aristocrats to arrest and persecute the Christians in Damascus.

His journey to Damascus from Jerusalem was a long 300+ km ride. Noontime is the hottest time in that region and is considered not a good time to travel. Unexpectedly, a bright light flashed on him, and Paul fell to the ground.

John, Jesus’ disciple, had a similar experience when he saw Christ in his glory. He fell at his feet like a dead man (Revelation 1:17).

Jesus reached out to Paul and asked the first question—“Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?” – Acts 22:7.

Paul, trying to recover quickly, realizes he is under the supernatural influence.

His trembling answer was a question not an answer to Jesus’s question – Who are you, Lord.

We are not sure whether Paul has met Jesus before, but he lived in Jerusalem during Jesus’s time and might have heard enough about him. Jesus, though, appeared in his glory with all the power; his voice was tender as always. Jesus answered the question Paul asked in a most humble way and related himself to his human connection and the context he was dealing with.

I am Jesus of Nazareth, whom you are persecuting – Acts 22:8.

Let’s remember that Jesus is dealing with the person who is responsible for killing Stephen (Acts 22:19,20) and has a plan to arrest so many other Christians.

Jesus’ approach is different and so gracious, whether dealing with Paul or hanging on the cross.

Jesus knew exactly which areas Paul needed correction in. It’s just Paul’s zeal, which was placed on righteousness by law to be converted to righteousness by faith.

Paul knew Jesus, he thought he was crucified and dead. Now, he realizes who he is and where he is. He has only one more question for the rest of his life, every day or even every minute of his life. ‘What shall I do, Lord? – Acts 22:10.

That’s the complete surrender. Surrender of his talents, knowledge, zeal, and will without any constraints or conditions. Jesus knew how to use a man who had surrendered everything. Paul went on to write thirteen Pauline epistles and died a martyr’s death. The churches he established and the passion with which he spread the gospel of Jesus Christ were evident in the scripture and clearly in the books of history.

As Christians, we may often try to trade things. God if you do this, I will do this. Lord if you give me this, I will give you this. Can we do what Paul did and ask the Lord a question? Lord, what shall I do for you?

Dear friend, are you searching for Jesus for a specific direction in your life today? He loves you and wants to answer your prayers today. Shall we pray to Him for direction?

Dear Jesus, I come to you. You know my heart and all the questions I carry right now. Please fill me with your holy presence and teach me how I should walk. Forgive my past and help me reconcile with you. Lead my life and guide me. Be my master for the rest of my life. I want to follow, love, and seek you with all my heart. In Jesus’s name, I pray. Amen.

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