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You Are a Child of God



Dear friend, we are born to our parents. Most of us look like our parents. Some talk like our parents. We inherit the skin color from our forefathers. Our hair color comes from our genes. Not only the physical characteristics, but experts say we also inherit the emotional intelligence and psychological factors from our parents. Many times we boast about who we are and where we came from. We brag about our family heritage and background. Some of you may not have a great family heritage like mine. My forefathers came from a very ordinary background. Their source of income came from cutting woods and selling it in the market. They survived with low wages and lived all their lives with very little. They never had plenty, but they lived their lives happily with what they had.

Dear friend, we might have come from a different background. We may inherit different burdens and baggage in our lives. Today, God gives us an invitation to become His child. That does not mean we have to leave our physical parents. We also need God as our spiritual father and mother. Physical parents can come along with you only to certain extent. They have limited availability in terms of time, space and their ability to understand your innermost thoughts and desires. Our heavenly father loves us and He knows our heart and mind much more than anyone else. Anyone else other than God, who created us could never understand the innermost fear, anxiety, heartaches, and depressed feelings.  God knows the tears we shed behind the curtains and the circumstance that makes our heart bleed. That’s why we need God as our spiritual parent who can guide us through.

How is it possible to become a child of another parent (God) when I am already old? This is a question a man called Nicodemus asked Jesus many years ago. He was a highly educated and rich man. He was also a member of the ruling council in those days. But he had an empty vacuum in his heart which he could never fulfill throughout His life. The power, respect and the money never gave him the satisfaction in life he was searching for. 

You might ask the same question today. How can I be born to another parent when I am already grown up? Dear friend, you can become a child to a parent in two ways. Either you can be born naturally or you can be adopted. God adopted us as His children. He paid the entire cost of adoption through his death on the cross. Thus He became our spiritual father and mother. God has done everything to make it happen. The only thing we need to do is to accept and receive Him as our parent. The Bible says, To all who did receive him (Jesus), to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God.

Nicodemus left Jesus that night as a happy man. He understood the secret of establishing a permanent relationship with God.

Are you ready to receive Jesus in your life today? Let’s pray together. 

Dear God, I need a father who understands my deepest fears and frustrations. I need someone who can accept me as I am. I was searching for someone who understands my hidden pain and my tears. No one can know me better than you. Jesus, please come into my heart. Be my father and mother. Forgive my past life. Wash me clean with you your precious blood. Give me peace. Please lead me and help me to come out of all my addictions, depressions, anxiety and fear. Be my God and guide me. I pray in Jesus’s name, Amen.

Dear friend, Bible says, Since you are his (God’s) child, God has made you also an heir. You are no longer a slave to your past life. God has made everything new and He is going to change your life. We are praying for you. May God bless you and make you a blessing for many.

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