The Father has life in himself, and he has granted that same life-giving power to his Son – Jesus Christ.
Everyone has different meanings, definitions, and interpretations of the word “life.” For some, it means enjoying life as much as possible. For others, it might mean living their life to its fullest with comfort, money, and power. We believe birth and death are the two ends of our lives, but our spiritual world gives different interpretations about life and death.
Eternal Life in the spiritual context means spending our life eternally with the creator of our soul. The birth of the spiritual life begins when our souls connect with the creator God. The spiritual life journey continues into eternity, and the connection established on earth continues to eternity. On the other hand, spiritual death is a punishment given to our soul to stay away from the presence of God forcefully. Not because God wanted to put our soul away but because our soul never found its connection with God. God created our soul. The soul, once born in this world, never dies. Only the physical body dies, but our soul continues to exist forever into eternity, either in the presence of God or away from His presence. God wants to give life to our souls by having fellowship with us in heaven. So that we can be with Him forever and ever; this is called eternal life.
Knowing Eternal Life
This is the way to have eternal life—to know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, the one you sent to earth.
John 17:3 NLT
Is it possible for us to know how eternal life is different from the current life we are leading? The Bible does give a glimpse of eternal life. It is a place where there will be no sorrow, where there will be no hunger. There will be no more diseases. No more evil temptations. Jesus calls it a place of rest. There will be no night because God will be among the people, and His light will shine across the entire land. There will be rejoicing.
Above all these, we will associate with the source of eternal life. He will define the true meaning of life.
The Source of Eternal Life
My (Jesus) purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life.
John 10:10 NLT
God is the source of spiritual life. Bible says, The Father has life in himself, and he has granted that same life-giving power to his Son. Jesus holds the source of life that was delegated to Him by Father God. He wants to offer to anyone willing to believe Him. Jesus said Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life.
Dear friend, Do you want to secure this eternal life for your soul? You might have secured many things for your physical life on earth. But what about your spiritual life. Jesus is willing to offer you eternal life today. It does not matter what happened in your past. Today is your day. Are you ready to accept Jesus Christ? The pain you carry will go away very soon. Jesus wants to fill your life with peace and joy.
Let’s pray to Jesus.
Dear Jesus, I want to receive eternal life. Please, I ask for forgiveness for my past mistakes. Please forgive me. I humble my heart and come before your presence. Jesus hears my prayer and heals my life. My soul needs your healing touch. I want to drink the living water that flows from your throne of grace and mercy. Jesus, change my life. Let me live a life for you. I want to be with you in eternity when my journey on life ends. Thank you for hearing my prayer. I believe you have already forgiven my past mistake. Be with me forever and guide me. Be my master. In Jesus’s precious name, I pray. Amen.
Dear friend, we are praying for you. Jesus heard your prayers and has already forgiven your past. Now, you are a child of God. He loves you and cares for you. May God bless you and make you a blessing for many.
My life was a mest,only GOD can forgive my past misteks becouce i’m not worthy,GOD HAVE MERCY.
Dear Shem, Jesus wants to forgive your past. There is no sin that is so dark that Jesus can not forgive. He died on the cross to forgive all our past mistakes. Please invite Him into your life and ask Him to lead you. He will surely forgive all your past. The Bible says, “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” Jesus is faithful to forgive all our past when we go to Him with humble heart and true repentance. We are praying for you. May Jesus bless you.