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Knowing God – He is a God who listens to your prayers.




you can read this message in the following languages=>Conocer a Dios – Él es un Dios que escucha tus oraciones. 认识上帝——祂是一位聆听你祷告的上帝 ईश्वर को जानना – वह ईश्वर है जो आपकी प्रार्थनाओं को सुनता है

Listening is a rare gift. Usually, we quickly give our opinions, advice, and reasoning. We use the words “I understand” frequently without understanding other people’s situations and the reality. Sometimes, we quickly give our advice when others don’t need it. Finding someone with whom we can confidently unload all our burdens without being judged is hard. The God who created us always listens. He takes great pleasure in listening to every word we speak. He respects everyone who speaks to Him. Jesus neither needs an appointment nor an advance notification. He is always available to listen to our prayers. 

Dear friend, you will not pray to a stone that can not listen. You will speak to God, who listens to every word you speak. Jesus is with you. You can talk to Him in confidence and pour out all your burdens. He will not judge you nor condemn you. It does not matter what your background is. Jesus wants to listen to you. He knows everything about you. But Jesus still wants to listen to your words. He takes great pleasure in listening to every word you speak to Him. 

As we continue on the listening attribute of God, we have a series of other characteristics of God under Knowing God on our website. 

The Bible reveals God’s attributes of listening. We are going to see a few of them today.

God took great pleasure in listening to Adam and Eve.

When God created all the animals and birds, He brought them to Adam. He wanted Adam to name each of them. God created the animals and the birds, and He would be the best person to give names to them. But God wanted to listen to what Adam would name them. He enjoyed listening to His way of naming each animal and bird. God did not change the name given by Adam. The Bible says, Now out of the ground the Lord God had formed every beast of the field and every bird of the heavens and brought them to the man to see what he would call them. And whatever the man called every living creature, that was its name. The man gave names to all livestock and to the birds of the heavens and to every beast of the field. – Genesis 2:19,20 ESV. 

God knew what had happened when Adam and Eve sinned by eating the forbidden fruit. But He came searching for them. God called out for Adam and Eve. He wanted to listen to their side of the story. The verses below in Genesis 3 beautifully narrate the conversation between God and Adam and Eve. 

But the Lord God called to the man and said to him, “Where are you?” And he said, “I heard the sound of you in the garden, and I was afraid, because I was naked, and I hid myself.” He (God) said, “Who told you that you were naked? Have you eaten of the tree of which I commanded you not to eat?” – Genesis 3:9,10,11 ESV

The same God who came searching for Adam and Eve is searching for you. Are you in a difficult situation right now? Are you thinking that you have sinned and gone far away from God? He wants to speak to you tenderly and invite you into His presence. Are you ready to talk to Him now? 

God Listened to Elijah When he was distressed:

Elijah was a great prophet. He boldly stood for God amid severe oppression and opposition. Queen Jezebel wanted to kill Elijah. Elijah was afraid. He run 40 days and nights away from Queen Jezebel. God met him in the Horeb mountain, where he was hiding in a cave. God asked Elijah first, “What are you doing?”. The Bible says, There he (Elijah) came to a cave and lodged in it. And behold, the word of the Lord came to him, and he said to him, “What are you doing here, Elijah?”. – 1 Kings 19:9 ESV.

God knew what Elijah had been doing all along. He knows Elijah was depressed due to the circumstances. God can directly tell Elijah what he needs to do. But he wanted to listen to His concerns first from His side and bring Elijah out of the depression

We all need a place to pour out our concerns. Jesus is willing to listen to us. He wants to comfort us. Jesus wants to listen to every concern of yours today. He wants to answer your prayers. Let’s pray to Jesus. He takes pleasure in listening to every word we speak. 

Dear Jesus, I (insert your name here) learned today that you listen to every word I speak. I am so glad you are my God who enjoys listening to me. You are a Holy God. I am a sinner, and I am unworthy to speak to you. Thank you for your love. I want to pour out all my heart today in your presence. You are my way-make and a miracle worker. Please answer my prayers. Lead me by holding my hands. I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen. 

Dear Friend, we are so glad that you were able to connect with Jesus today. He is a wonderful counselor and a beautiful comforter. Jesus cares for your future. Please continue to hold on to Him. May Jesus bless you and make you a blessing for many. Keep in touch. 

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