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The Precious and pierced Hands of Jesus wants to touch your life




You can find this message in the following languages => 耶稣那双珍贵而又被刺穿的手想要触动你的生活 Las preciosas y traspasadas manos de Jesús quieren tocar tu vida यीशु के अनमोल और छेदे हुए हाथ आपके जीवन को छूना चाहते हैं

Jesus reached out and touched him. “I am willing,” he (Jesus) said. “Be healed!” And instantly, the leprosy disappeared. – The Bible

Dear reader, Even today, with the availability of advanced medicine for leprosy, we will be afraid to touch a man infected with leprosy. I have seen people with leprosy with their hands and legs semi-rotten. Probably you would have seen them, too. Two thousand years back, when Jesus lived on earth, leprosy had no cure. The people infected with leprosy were kept outside the village, and they were isolated from people. No one comes closer to them, including their family members. They lived a lonely life till their last breath.

But Jesus reached out and touched the leprose man, healing him instantly. Jesus’s precious hands touched his life and transformed it. No more isolation and no more loneliness. What a great miracle when they reached out to Jesus. His precious touch changed their lives.

Precious hands Gave hope to many.

In ancient times, the blind had no hope. Braille letters were not invented, and most jobs were manual. The blind could not do the jobs, so they were authorized to beg. Their lives were hopeless. They lived in physical and social darkness, isolated from others.

Two blind men saw Jesus passing by. They shouted and cried out His name in loud voices, asking Jesus to help them.

The Bible says, “When Jesus heard them, he stopped and called, “What do you want me to do for you?” “Lord,” they (blind men) said, “we want to see!” Jesus felt sorry for them and touched their eyes. Instantly they could see! Then they followed him.” (NIV)

When the hands of Jesus touched their eyes, the blind men could see. They received new hope, saw the light, and came out of darkness.

The Bible says the same precious hands touched many hearts. It wiped away the tears of the multitude. It opened the eyes of the blind and deaf. His touch brought back life into the lifeless body. 

Dear Friend, Are you in a spiritual darkness today? Is your life sounding hopeless? Jesus wants to fill your life with light today. Are you ready to seek Jesus right now? He is waiting to touch you with his precious hands and change your life. 

The Pierced Hands of Jesus

The Roman Soldiers nailed the hands of Jesus. The hands which brought light and life into many hearts were crucified on the cross. The hands shivered with pain as the nail pierced. The blood oozed and came to a standstill till the spirit left the body of Jesus. The God of heaven raised him from death. After His resurrection, Jesus appeared to more than five hundred brothers and sisters.

He (Jesus) appeared to more than five hundred of the brothers and sisters simultaneously, most of whom are still living, though some have fallen asleep. – The Bible

But Thomas, Jesus’s disciple who had close fellowship with Jesus for many years, was unwilling to believe Jesus was resurrected from the dead. The excruciating death of Jesus affected his heart so much. He said, “I won’t believe it unless I see the nail wounds in his hands, put my fingers into them, and place my hand into the wound in his side.

Jesus heard what Thomas said. He revealed himself exclusively to Thomas. Jesus appeared to Thomas and showed His nail-pierced hands. Jesus said, “Put your finger here and look at my hands. Put your hand into the wound in my side. Don’t be faithless any longer. Believe!

Thomas’s life changed forever after He saw Jesus’ nail-pierced hands. He traveled to the land of India and shared the gospel of Jesus with many.

Dear Reader, Will you allow Jesus to touch your life with His precious and pierced hands today? Are you ready to seek and believe Him today? He wants to remove all the darkness and fill your life with shining light. Let’s go to His presence and ask Jesus to touch your life with His hands. Jesus knows your deepest heart’s cry. Please say the following prayer in your own words. We are praying along with you.

Dear Jesus, I come to you with a humble heart. Please come into my life. Touch me today with your precious hands. You know my life. Please heal me from all my past. Let your precious hands give me the vision to my spiritual eyes to see the light and remove all the darkness from my heart. Let your light shine on my life. Show me the areas I need to change. Reveal the hidden sins. Increase my faith. Help me to believe in you and shine for you. I pray in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen. 

Dear Friend, we are praying for you. Jesus loves you. He wants to heal you physically, spiritually, and emotionally, in whichever areas of your life you need healing. His nail-pierced hands are willing to touch you. Please seek Him. He is your heavenly father. He wants to touch you and transform your life. 


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