Dear Friends
We have seen the Great covenant and Great promise. The Great Promise gives us eternal life. What great God he is? He loved us so much he gave send his one and only son so that we can taste everlasting life.
In order to prepare for the eternal life he took all the sins on himself and died on the cross. So that he can suffer for our mistakes and we can go free. He took all the shame so that we might look righteous before God.
The blood he shed on the rugged cross washes all our sins away. This is his great covenant.
Once we receive the forgiveness through his Great covenant and inherit the eternal life through his great promise we have to consider one more. That is his great commandment. The great commandment teaches us how to live our life on earth after accepting and inheriting Jesus in our life. The great promise and covenant make us children of God. But we still have to live in this world and continue our life. We would have to run the race called life. Great commandment teaches us how to live and lead a good life.
Love God:
There are two parts to the great commandment. The first part commands us to love our God. Is it not fair for God to expect us to love him back? He loved us so much and gave us everything. He commands us to love him back with the same love. God never asks us to do something he does not do or already did. Jesus loved us with all his heart, soul and mind. His mission on earth was to share the love of God. That mission was completed with the supreme sacrifice on the cross. All for love.
Hence God expects us to love him back with all our heart, soul, and mind. There is another angle to God's love. If we do not love God, we can not follow his commandments. There are so many other commandments in the bible. But if we do not love God, we can not follow his other commandments. Why so? Every one of his commandments given in the Bible are built on the cornerstone of love. Hence only if we love God, we can follow his commandments which are built on love.
Love Your Neighbor
The second commandment is derived from the first. If we can not love God, we can not love our neighbor. It's God love which pushes us to love our neighbor. We, humans, love ourselves. We are not used to loving others. Our vertical relationship with God, which pushes us toward horizontal relationship between fellow men. Our concern and love for others originate from God's concern for the same men. Since God has a huge concern for men and we love God, the same concern we pass to fellow men.
Dear Friends, Let's do a small prayer :
Dear Lord, thank you for loving us. You can not measure the depth and width of your love. You loved us first before asking us to love you. Help us to love you more. Our heart is cold most of the time. Lord, give us a soft heart. Help us to understand your heartache and cries. Reveal to us and align our concerns towards your concerns. Help us to love others. In Jesus name, we pray. Amen
Dear Friends, if you have prayed this prayer, please let us know. If you have any prayer requests or questions please contact us by filling a form here. You can also write to us directly at [email protected].
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