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Little Faith, Great Faith, Does not matter!!




Dear friend,

We like to focus on faith in God today. Why faith? Faith is an essential component of our Christian walk with Jesus. Without faith, we can not please God. We can not expect answers to our prayers. How much faith do we need? Let me tell you a few stories of men and women who had great faith in God and others who had very little faith in God. When you finish reading this, it will surprise you who had great faith, and who had little faith. But it does not matter who had little or more, Jesus did answer all our prayers. Today, we are not sure what your faith level is. But Jesus is standing right next to you. He wants to help you. He wants to answer our prayers.

The Bible says, "Without faith it is impossible to please him, for whoever would draw near to God must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him." - Hebrews 11:6

Great Faith

While Jesus was on earth, some people believed him, and some did not. People who believed in Jesus knew very little about Him. They came to know about Jesus based on His teachings and the miracles He did. They had great faith that Jesus could help them. During the days of Jesus (In the first century AD), there was little medical solution available for any sickness. People were desperate for God’s divine healing and searching for God in various forms. When they heard about the miraculous healing Jesus was providing, they came searching for Him.

Great Faith of Centurion:

Bible Reading: Luke 7:1-10, Matthew 8:5-13

A centurion (head of 100 soldiers) came to Jesus. The centurion's name was not given in the Bible. He was a Roman. He is a foreigner living in Galilee. He knew little about who Jesus was and why He came to earth. But he had heard about the wonderful miracles Jesus did. His most valuable servant is paralyzed. The Bible says, "Now a centurion had a servant who was sick and at the point of death, who was highly valued by him." - Luke 7:2. The centurion wants Jesus to heal His most valuable servant. The centurion is not coming before Jesus with a selfish request. He is pleading for his servant. We can retrospect our lives on how many of our prayers are selfish and how many are selfless. How much time we are praying for others? 

Centurion’s never considered himself worthy to come and speak to Jesus. It shows his humility. He never showed his power and position before Jesus. He sent the elders of Israel on behalf of Him because he considered himself unworthy. The testimony the elders gave about the Roman Centurion was astonishing. They pleaded with Jesus and said, "He (Centurion) loves our nation, and he is the one who built us our synagogue." - Luke 7:5. Do we love the country we reside in and pray for the country's peace and welfare? 

Because of the good work done by Centurion, the elders of Israel pleaded with Jesus. Is there anyone who could plead for our cause? Do we have a habit of praying for others, who are outside our family circle? 

Jesus was willing to go to Centurion’s home and heal His servant. But the centurion did not agree to it. He said, "Lord, do not trouble yourself, for I am not worthy to have you come under my roof." Luke 7:6 NIV. It shows his utmost humility before God. Jesus expects our prayers to be humble. Humility is the most valuable currency in heaven. Our humbleness moves the heart of Jesus. It is essential to get our prayers answered. 

At this moment, the centurion made a powerful confession of faith. He believed Jesus didn't have to come to His home to do the miracle. He can just say a word and His servant will be healed. The Bible says, "The centurion sent friends, saying to him (Jesus)... But just say the word, and my servant will be healed." - Luke 7:6,5 NIV. He believed Jesus had the authority to heal the sick. Hence, he requested Jesus to execute His authority by commanding the healing from wherever he was. Jesus just did what he asked for, and the servant was instantly healed. Jesus was impressed by the Roman centurion’s trust and belief in His authority and his power. God can do great things in our lives if only we can start trusting his power and authority. He is a big God with no impossibilities. The Bible says, "When Jesus heard this, he was amazed and said to those following him, “Truly I tell you, I have not found anyone in Israel with such great faith." - Matthew 8:10 NIV. The centurion's attitude amazed Jesus. How many times we have amazed Jesus throughout our life? The Centurion who knew little about Jesus amazed him with His great faith. 

Great Faith of Foreign Woman

Bible Reading:  Matthew 15:21-28

When Jesus went to Sidon, a foreign country, a Canaanite woman came to Him requesting healing for her daughter. The Bible does not mention her name. She was not a Jew. She knew little or nothing about Jesus except about his miracle-working power. She was determined to get her daughter saved from a demonic attack. The Bible says, "Canaanite woman from that region came out and was crying, “Have mercy on me, O Lord, Son of David; my daughter is severely oppressed by a demon." She wept and cried for her daughter. How many of us are crying for our kids before the presence of Jesus? The Canaanite woman crossed all the cultural barriers and came before Jesus and His disciples for the sake of her daughter. Normally, in the Eastern tradition, during the time of Jesus, a woman does not come and meet a group of men alone. 

Jesus tested her faith by not answering her request. Some of us might go through a season of quietness from God. We might think our prayers are going unanswered. Some might conclude God is not listening to us. Even the disciples of Jesus were pleading to send the woman away as she was crying out. 

The next few minutes of conversation between the woman and Jesus was pretty intense warfare in prayer. Jesus tested her faith further by saying He came only for the Israelites. The Canaanite lady came and knelt before Him with humility and pleaded again. When Jesus said, "It is not right to take the children's bread and throw it to the dogs." She gladly accepted her position as a dog and expressed her openness to accept the crumbs. It is an example of spiritual warfare prayer. In the end, Jesus answered, "O woman, great is your faith! Be it done for you as you desire." - Matthew 15:28. Her daughter was instantly healed. 

Jesus does not show any partiality. He loves all humanity. He is still touching many hearts. Our testimonial section is a great testament to all the great things he is doing even today. 

Little Faith

Jesus used the word little faith three times to describe the faith of his disciples. The disciples were always with Him. They saw all the miracles Jesus did. They saw the healings of deaf hearing, mute speaking, lame walking, and many were raised from the dead. But they could not exercise faith in their own daily lives. They could not believe what they saw. They were so close to Jesus but so far away in their understanding. Some of us might be followers of Christ for many years. We might know a lot about Christ. But like Jesus's disciples, we understand little of what we know about Christ. 

Jesus Calmed the Storm

Bible Reading: Matthew 8:23-27

There was a storm. The mighty waves started to toss the boat Jesus and His disciples were caught up in the storm. When Jesus saw their fear, he was not happy. The disciples of Jesus were highly experienced fishermen for generations. They knew the pattern of the wind. The water started to swamp the boat. The disciples started to panic. Some of us might have gone through this situation before. 

But Jesus was sleeping peacefully. Out in panic mode, they woke up Jesus. He never questioned their experience but questioned their ability to believe Him amid a difficult situation. His disciples could not exercise the faith the Roman Centurion applied.

The Bible says, "Then he (Jesus) rose and rebuked the winds and the sea, and there was a great calm. And the men marveled, saying, “What sort of man is this, that even winds and sea obey him?" Jesus can make you marvel if you allow Him to take over the situation. He already carried all our burdens on the Cross. We do not have to carry them anymore. 

Disciples were worried about food:

Bible Reading: Mark 8:14-21

It was the day of a big miracle. The disciples were amazed by what Jesus did. What happened? There was no food. Four thousand people were listening to Jesus. He wanted his disciples to feed all of them. They only had seven loves of bread and few fishes. But Jesus blessed the little food and shared it with them. The Bible says, "They (all 4000) ate and were satisfied. And they took up the broken pieces left over, seven baskets full." - Mark 8:8 (ESV). Disciples knew Jesus could multiply as long they gave Him the little they had.

Immediately, Jesus and the disciples got into the boat. But they forgot to bring the bread with them. They were worried about how thirteen (12 disciples and Jesus) could share one loaf of bread. Jesus said, "When I broke the five loaves for the five thousand, how many baskets full of broken pieces did you take up?” They(disciples) said to him, “Twelve.” “And the seven for the four thousand, how many baskets full of broken pieces did you take up?” And they said to him, “Seven.” And he said to them, “Do you not yet understand?" - Mark 8:19-21 (ESV).

We forgot to understand the great miracles Jesus has done in our life. Jesus wants to point them out. The God who did great things in our lives is still with us to lead us, guard us, and comfort us. We do not have to lose faith by looking at the current situation.

Are you worried you have very little? You can overcome all your worries. Give a little to Jesus. He can bless it and multiply it. Do not worry.

Peter could not Walk on Water:

Bible Reading: Matthew 14:22-33

The disciples were in the boat traveling without Jesus. He stayed back to pray alone. The wind was against them. They were struggling all night. In the early morning, Jesus started walking towards the boat. When Peter saw Jesus walking on top of stormy sea waves, he was very excited. He wanted permission to walk on top of the same stormy water. When Jesus gave permission, Peter’s adventure started. What a moment for a fisherman! All his life, the stormy waves scared him. But today, he is walking on top of it.

As he was walking towards Jesus, for a moment, he looked at the giant waves, and the fear clouded his heart. The fear leads to doubt. The doubt took away his faith. Peter immediately started sinking. He cried out, "Lord, save me.”". But Jesus never moved His eyes from Peter. He kept watching his dear disciple. Jesus knew one day, Peter would do mighty things for His glory. But he deserved a rebuke today so he would remember this incident. Jesus said, "O you of little faith, why did you doubt?". 

Dear Friend, Are you in fear today? Jesus wants to remove all the fear and the doubts in your life. 

The same disciples who had very little faith in Jesus did mighty things after the death and resurrection of Jesus. They were pivotal in the spread of Christianity throughout the world.

Mustard Seed Faith

Dear friend, whether you have little faith or great faith, it does not matter. Jesus expects you to have faith in the size of the mustard seed. He said, "For truly, I say to you, if you have faith like a grain of mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move, and nothing will be impossible for you." - Matthew 17:20.

Why do we need this mustard seed-sized faith? It is the faith that makes us believe in God. The Bible says For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. We need a small amount of faith to believe that Jesus came to forgive our past mistakes. Through this forgiveness, we get access to eternity.

All of us make mistakes and wrong choices. Our thoughts are not clean. We hurt each other with our words and actions. Who can change our lives? Who can make us clean? Only God alone can make us clean. He can forgive our past mistakes and make us new when we believe Him.

Dear friend, today our life might go through difficulties. Our success in life is not decided by the things we own and the positions we occupy on earth. We can never carry worldly things to eternity. But in eternity, we will receive what God has prepared for us not what we have stored on earth. The Bible says Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, Nor have entered into the heart of man The things which God has prepared for those who love Him. God has prepared great things for those who love Him. Hence, it is essential to believe in God and follow him faithfully. Shall we close with prayer?

Dear God, we come into your presence. We had made many mistakes in the past. Through our words, actions, and thoughts. Please forgive us. Help us to believe in you more. Let us believe you with all our hearts and follow you all our lives. Help us to make the right choices in life. Let us live a life of no regrets by following your footsteps. God, we love you, and we want to follow you all our life. You know all our needs and storms in our hearts. Let your peace dwell in my heart. In Jesus’s name, I pray. Amen. 

Dear friend, We are so happy you could do the above prayer. God will surely give you a new purpose and change your life forever. May He bless you and make you a blessing for many. We are praying for you. If you want to know what to do next please follow this link => I accepted Christ. What's next? May God bless you and make you a blessing for many. Keep in touch with us. We are praying for you.

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