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Remembered For His Death




Neil Armstrong will be ever remembered in the books of History as the first man who walked on the moon. Albert Einstein will be remembered forever for his invention on the theory of relativity. The world still remembers Napoleon, Alexander the Great, and other emperors for their heroism. Much has been written about these famous men and about their glorious achievement and their victories.

But there was one man who lived and died without achieving much. He did not conquer any country nor did he come up with any scientific invention. He lived only for thirty-three years. Few followed Him while he was on earth. Never traveled more than a few hundred miles from north to south or east to west in his lifetime. He was born to a poor carpenter and lived all His life owning no property. But there were thousands of books written about Him more than any other man born on this earth. Strangely He wanted himself to be remembered for His death than anything else. By now, you would have guessed His name. Yes, His name is Jesus. He died a cruel and shameful death destined for robbers and the worst criminals.

Who is this man? Why the world still remember Jesus’s death even after thousands of years as Good Friday? Out of all the things Jesus has done one miracle particularly irritated the religious leaders of His time. That was His ability to forgive the mistakes of others. Jesus said He has authority on earth to forgive other’s mistakes. Not only that. He also claimed to be equal to God. If you have doubts, if Jesus is really God, you can read here to know more. How can Jesus forgive the mistakes done by the entire world even if He is God? 

How can Jesus’s death forgive my sins? 

There is strong resistance in accepting the concept of forgiveness Jesus came up with. Can God forgive? I come from the eastern part of the world. In the eastern view, the sins need to be compensated with good deeds such as helping the poor, taking care of widows and orphans. If anyone fails to compensate with good deeds, then he ought to go through Godly punishment. This is a common view in the eastern world. What is not clear in this view is how much good deeds will compensate for my past mistakes? Each one of us is coming from a different background. Our past life is different. We have done different mistakes. How much of good deeds is enough to wash me clean and make me eligible to go to heaven?

Jesus brought in the new concept of forgiveness of sins through his death. He said His death will bring forgiveness to the entire mankind. A day before His death Jesus gathered his disciples for a small get together. He took the bread and broke it into pieces. He gave the pieces to His disciples and said the broken bread signify His broken body. Then He took the cup of wine and asked His disciples to drink. Jesus said the wine signifies His blood that he will shed on the cross the next day. On that night He established a new covenant with mankind. According to that covenant, He will take the entire punishment of mistakes done by us. Jesus will go through Godly punishment instead of us. He will die on the cross. His body will be broken and crushed. He will shed his blood and suffocate to death. So that we don’t have to go through the Godly punishment. We don’t have to die. If you want to know more about this great covenant, you can read it here.

Why Jesus should die on the Cross?

We say God is love. There is no love without expression. If God is truly a source of love and if he truly loves us, then He should express His love. He should show how much He loves us. God can not keep showing His power and instigate fear among us. The power of God is not an expression of His love. Jesus though He is God became a man, not to show his power, but to express how much He loved us. He lived among the poor. Wept with those who wept. He expressed His compassion and love. His heart moved when he saw people living their life without direction.

Jesus loved mankind so much He took the entire Godly punishment. He sacrificed His life for love.

How can You receive forgiveness from Jesus?

As a son of God, Jesus established peace between God and man. If we need to receive forgiveness, we need to do below three simple steps.

Believe:  Believe in your heart that Jesus can forgive your sins. 

Confess: Confess your past mistakes to Jesus. Tell Him how sorry you are. Ask for His forgiveness.

Accept: Accept God’s forgiveness. Bible says If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. God promises to forgive all our past mistakes. All we need to do is accept His forgiveness. 

Jesus wants his followers to remember His death through which He has established a new covenant with all mankind. A covenant of forgiveness to forgive all our past. Are you looking for forgiveness? Let’s pray together. Please do the below prayer in your own words.

Dear Jesus, please forgive my past mistakes. I have done many mistakes. Nobody knows about the secret mistakes I have done. No one knows about the deepest secrets I have in my heart. Jesus, you know everything in my heart. You know what I have done in secret. Please forgive me. Please change my life. Wash me with your precious blood. Make me holy. I want to follow you with all my heart. Help me to come out of my addictions. I am trying to come out of it so many times. Please help me. Through your strength, I can overcome all my past addictions. Please forgive me and make me clean. I pray in Jesus’s name, Amen. 

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