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I accepted Christ, what's next?




You can also read in the following languages => Acepté a Cristo, ¿qué sigue? मैंने मसीह को स्वीकार कर लिया है, अब आगे क्या? 我接受了基督 接下来是什么?நான் கிறிஸ்துவை ஏற்றுக்கொண்டேன், அடுத்தது என்ன?

Dear friend, We are so happy that you have decided to follow Christ. We are sure the heavens will rejoice today due to your decision. It’s a time to rejoice together as your past was already forgiven by the precious blood of Jesus Christ. Your new life begins now. You may ask a question, I have accepted Christ. So what’s next?  

Jesus not only forgives our past mistakes but also gives us the strength to overcome temptations. Following Jesus means we need to wash and cleanse our hearts with the precious blood of Jesus every day. Our love of Jesus should continue to overflow. As you begin your joyful journey following Christ, it is important to continue by following a few guidelines.

Reconcile with God every day.

Make it a habit to reconcile with God every day. As humans, we all make mistakes in life. No one is righteous or sinless except God. Hence, it’s important we keep our hearts clean by confessing and reconciling with God every day. The Bible says your iniquities have separated you from your God; your sins have hidden his face. Nothing can separate us from God except our own mistakes. To avoid separation from God, we need to be in constant touch with God. 

Spend time in Prayer.

Prayer is a time to communicate with God as we talk to our friends and loved ones. It’s a time to express our needs, give thanks for all the good things God has given in our lives, and listen to God’s response. God is longing to talk to you than you wish to talk to Him. Prayer is not following a template or repeating the same words again and again but conveying what we feel and what is in our hearts. We don’t need to use any flowery and formal language. God expects our complete honesty as we approach his throne of mercy and grace through prayer. If you want to know, how to pray? You can read here =>   

Take time to read the Bible.

Make sure you have time to read the bible every day. The most common way God speaks to us is through His written word in the Bible. Unless we listen to God and do what he wants to do in our life it will be difficult to follow him. The sheep need to listen to a shepherd’s voice to follow him. Similarly, we need to listen to Christ’s voice to follow him. We can only listen to his voice if we invest our time to read his written word. The best place to start reading is from the book of John. If you do not have the bible in hand, you can start reading it online from Bible Gateway website. 

Keep Your Eyes on Eternal Hope

Jesus came to the world to forgive our past so that we can enjoy eternal life along with him. Our Hope should be always focused on the eternal life God has offered. The Bible says, For what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul? You might gain many blessings by following Christ. They are good and nice to have, but Christ died for you and me to give us eternal life. The Bible says If our hope in Christ is only for this life, we are more to be pitied than anyone in the world. Let our hope hold on to Jesus for the beautiful future he has created for us. 

Bible says Things which the eye has not seen and the ear has not heard, And which have not entered the heart of man, All that God has prepared for those who love Him. Compared to the glorious things God has prepared for us, everything else is insignificant.  

Learn to Fear God and Follow Him

Like a son fears his father, we ought to fear God and follow Him. Why do we have to fear God? Bible says fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. Without wisdom, we end up making the wrong choices in our life. We gain wisdom when we start fearing God and obtain his input and advice in every area of our life. God knows what is good for our life. He can teach us, guide us, and make us prosper when we obey Him.

Do not be disappointed with Fellow Christians

A person who starts believing in Christ very often gets disappointed by their fellow Christians. The word Christian was coined for those who follow Christ. Not all Christians are followers of Christ. But only those who follow Christ are Christians. Often the disappointment arises when a person who decided to follow Christ starts looking at the life of so-called “by birth” Christians. Our comparison should be always with Christ but not with fellow Christians. Bible says No one is righteous– not even one. Except for God, everyone else makes mistakes. Hence it’s a futile exercise to look at others and question why their life is not appropriate. 

Find a nearby Church

As you start growing in the Lord, please find a Bible-believing church closer to your home so that you can participate regularly and grow in God’s favor. All of us need spiritual mentoring and guidance from pastors. Hence, it is important to find a good church and start attending it regularly. 

My dear friend, let your heart follow Christ in the ups and downs of life. Let the praise of his name be in your lips day and night. May your walk with God continue through the slippery and rough parts of life. May your fellowship with God grow stronger and stronger as time passes. Let’s close with the word of prayer.

Dear God, Thank you for saving me. I am so grateful that you have forgiven my past life. You are a great God. I am not worthy of your supreme sacrifice on the cross. My heart overflows with thankfulness and praises your name for what you have done for me.

Dear God, I want to follow you all my life. I want to live every day filled with your presence. Let me lead a life dedicated to you. Be my master and guide me all my life. In Jesus’s name, I pray. Amen.

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18 thoughts on “I accepted Christ, what's next?”

  1. I’m 57 years old, from an early age I loved God and Jesus my life was filled with beliefs.
    On a Monday night I attended McDonald’s Mission, Tuesday night attended Good news club, Wednesday group for Christians Sunday school but I’m lost now and need God so much

    • Dear Marie, we are praying for you. Jesus loves you. He cares for you dearly. The Bible says, those who seek Him will find Him. Jesus is with you right now. He died for you on the cross.

      Jesus said, “Come to me all how are weary and burdened and I will give you rest.” He will surely give you peace and joy. Please seek Him and invite Jesus into your life. Ask Him to forgive all your past. He will take away all the burdens of your heart. May Jesus bless you and make you a blessing for many. Keep in touch.

  2. I thank God that He’s forgiven my past and saved me from addiction. May He guide by His spirit that I may dwell in His presence forever Amen

    • Dear Cuthbert, Amen. Our God is great and worthy to be praised. May Jesus continue to guide you and bless you. We are praying for you. Keep in touch.

    • Dear Lucky, Jesus loves you. Jesus will bring a right match for you so that you can build a home that glorifies God. May Jesus bless you and make you a blessing for many.

  3. I am so happy and pleased after reading this great piece of writing. Indeed, I am overwhelmed with JOY. I will follow Master Jesus all the days of my life. Indeed, life in Christ Jesus is more than goal and silver. I pray brethren all of us see the great need to serve God in truth and in spirit and not letting this out, let’s always remember humans are not perfect so let’s always run back to out creator in Heaven each time we fall short of his glory. Let’s ask him for mercy. Thank you God bless us All. ❤️

  4. Father i know u av answered my prayer what i need is ur surport and guilde in my education and break the york of failure in my life

    • Dear Friend, Jesus loves you. He cares for you spiritual and physical health dearly. He wants to help you come out of all the obsessions you are going through.

      What is not possible is possible for Jesus. The same resurrection power of Jesus can list you up from all you fleshly desire and bless you.

      We are praying for you. Please invite Jesus into your heart. Invite Him into your life. Ask Him to lead you and bless you. He will surely help you to overcome your past. Do not worry.

      May Jesus bless you and make you a blessing for many. Keep in touch.

  5. please I need help in prayer, I’ve been struggling with addiction and masturbation. I want to quit it permanently but I find myself going back to it.

  6. I confess all my sin to Saviour. Ive started fasting for 40 days from today onwards. Please pray for me to complete this without any deviation. Praise the lord🤲

    • Dear Rathish, We are praying for you. Jesus loves you. The Bible says, “if we confess our sins to him, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all wickedness.” – 1 John 1:9. Jesus will lead you and guide you. May Jesus bless you.


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