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Our God is a compassionate God




Many of us who go through difficult situations wonder whether God really cares about us. Some have written to us about their lonely journey through rough times. When we look at the broken world around us, we question whether God really cares for those who are hungry, hopeless, and crushed. The compassionate God sent his only son, Jesus Christ as a sacrifice. With compassion, Jesus touched and healed many. He reached out to those who are needy, hungry, and searching for hope. He wiped away the tears of many. Jesus is a Compassionate God. Compassion is an attribute and intrinsic nature of God.

Like a father, He is compassionate to us:

The story of the prodigal son Jesus said is known to many of us. A prodigal son demanded his father for his portion of the inheritance. Though it is the custom to share the property after the death of the father, the prodigal son took everything and went far away from his father. He spent everything and destroyed all his father's hard-earned money. At one point, the prodigal son lost everything. He went to bed with an empty stomach. There was no one to care for him. When he came to his senses, he remembered all his father's servants had good food. He decided to go back to his father and live under him as one of the servants. 

When his father saw him coming, he had a deep compassion toward his prodigal son, who has destroyed all his wealth. He run towards him and kissed him. Gave him his ring and dressed him in the finest clothes. In the story of the prodigal son, the father's heart represents the heart of Jesus. It shows the heart of compassion and love towards every one of us. 

We were also like the prodigal son not once but many times in our life. We went far away from our Lord. We threw away all the best talents, blessings, and gifts our Lord has given us. But Jesus was compassionately waiting for us day and night. He yearns for us to come back to Him. He wants to give back what you have lost and accept you as you are. Jesus is waiting for you today. 

Dear friend, Are you living a life far away from your heavenly father? Are you wondering why your life is so miserable? Please do not hesitate to go back to Jesus. He waiting for you to come back to Him. 

God of compassion wants to help you:

When Jesus saw the people, He always ministered to them with compassion. The Bible says, "When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.

There are many today who do not know how to come out of their addictions and financial problems. They think there is no hope for their life. But Jesus wants to touch every one of them. He wants to lift them up and show them a way to move forward. 

Dear friend, are you struggling for a long time with a problem? The God of compassion is standing next to you right now. He wants to release you from all your past. The Bible says, "Surely the arm of the LORD is not too short to save, nor his ear too dull to hear. He will bring you out." The God of compassion is waiting to save you. He wants to help you.

Compassionate God wants to heal you:

There are many who suffer due to sickness. Some of them are incurable. I have gone through one personally. Doctors told me my sickness is so rare that no research was done for the cure. I went to my heavenly doctor, Jesus. He compassionately helped me to carry on with my life without any drugs till today. Are you going through a sickness today? Do you think there is no one to release you from the pain and suffering? 

The Bible says, "Jesus had compassion on them, and touched their eyes. Immediately they received their sight and followed him." The compassionate and precious hands of Jesus want to touch your life today. He wants to heal you and free you from all the pain. Do not worry. Put your hope on Jesus. He is a God of compassion.

Dear friend, Jesus wants to touch your life with compassion and love. He is your heavenly father. He deeply cares for your future. Let's go to His presence and pray to Him. Please place your hand on your heart and call upon the name of Jesus. If you have not invited him into your life before, please do so right now. Jesus wants to change your life. Pray the below prayer in your own words. 

Dear Jesus, I come to you with a humble heart. You are a God of compassion. You loved me like a father loved his child. I was not truthful to you on so many occasions. I wasted time, treasures, and all the talents you have given me. I come back to you. Please accept me and take me as your servant. Please touch me and heal my physical, mental, and spiritual sickness. Let me live a life glorifying your name. You are my God. You alone can lead me. There is no one who cares for my future as you do. I thank you for all your compassion and kindness. I am not worthy of your compassion. Jesus, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. In the mighty name of Jesus, I pray. Amen. 

Dear Friend, thanks so much for joining us today. May the compassion of God cover your life and lead you. We are praying for you. 

Then the Lord came down in the cloud and stood there with him and proclaimed his name, the Lord. And he passed in front of Moses, proclaiming, “The Lord, the Lord, the compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness, maintaining love to thousands, and forgiving wickedness, rebellion, and sin. - Deuteronomy 34:5-7 (NIV).

This is the response God gave to Moses when He wanted to know about God. This statement summarizes who God is. Our God is a Compassionate God.


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