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Do Not Harden Your Heart




Dear friend, if you are reading this message I firmly believe God has not brought you to this page accidentally. He loves you very much and cares for your future. He not only cares for your earthly needs, God also cares for your future beyond your earthly life. He cares for your eternal heavenly life beyond your life on earth. God did not bring you to this earth randomly. He has a great plan and purpose for your life on earth and in eternity. 

Friend, I do not know what others are talking about you. But God says you are a masterpiece and created in His own image. You are not an accident or a random creation. You are the most beautiful and wonderful creation God has ever made. You are here on earth for a great purpose and plan which God himself has prepared for you. It does not matter from which background you have come from. It does not matter what color is your skin. It does not matter how good or bad you are in your past life. Independent of everything God loves you right now. His heart aches for you. He wants you to come back to Him. 

He loved you more than anything. He came down to earth and died for your and my mistakes. We can not do good to destroy the bad things we have done in our past. Bible says the wages of sin is death. Jesus chose to die for us so that our sins can be forgiven. So that we can escape from eternal condemnation. There is no sin that is a dark or deep that Christ can not forgive. He paid for all our past mistakes so that we can go free.

Dear friend, if you are reading this and if you have not asked for forgiveness of your past mistakes it is your day today to do it. Do not wait for tomorrow. Do not harden your heart. Please humble before God. Tell Him that you are sorry. He knows you. He will understand and forgive your past. Are you searching for freedom from a specific addiction? He is going to release you from the bondage that has entangled your life. God is powerful enough to break your bondages. He is going to set you free. 

Please do not harden your heart. Do not say you will make a decision tomorrow. Today is the day. We do not know what will happen tomorrow. Humble your heart right now and kneel before God. Tell him all about your life. He is ready to forgive you because he loves you. He created you. You are His precious child and a masterpiece. 

Dear friend, we are praying for everyone who is reading this page. If you are reading this page then you are not alone in prayer. We are with you. God is going to change your life. He is going to fill you with His spirit. Please do the below prayer in your own words and the language you are comfortable with.

Dear God, I come to you. You know my life. I humble my heart before you. My heart cries out of you. Please forgive me. I have made several mistakes in my life. Please forgive me. I don't want to do it again and again. Please release me from all my addictions. I want to come out of it completely. Purify my life. Thank you for dying for me on the cross. Please wash my life and make me clean. I want to live a life pleasing to you from today. I pray in Jesus's name, Amen. 

Dear friend, God surely heard your prayers. He has also forgiven all your past life. Please continue to connect with Him every minute of your life. He will lead your life. He will help you to make the right choices. We are praying for you. May God bless you and make you a blessing for many.

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You can read the great testimonies of what Jesus has done for the others who went through similar situation as yours. God can surely do the same for you too. Read the testimonies here to know more about what Jesus can do for you.

Humble your heart before the Lord. Connect with Jesus today. God is waiting for you. Please do not let this time slip away without making a decision to follow Christ.

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