You can read this message in the following languages=>क्या कोई व्यक्ति खुद को मार कर नरक में जाएगा? 自杀后会下地狱吗? ¿Alguien irá al infierno si se suicida?
There are worried friends and heartbroken parents who keep pondering about their loved ones who choose to end their lives themselves. Their inquiry is always about where their loved ones went. Are they in heaven, or are they in hell? This bombards their minds millions of times.
Dear reader, are you one of those, who are searching for answers and worried about your loved one’s destiny? Jesus loves you. He wants to comfort your heart. He wants to take away all the pain and the hurt from your life.
There is healing in the presence of Jesus. He said, “What shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?”
He deeply cares for your soul right now. It does not matter where you are or what your background is. Jesus wants to meet you and wipe away all your tears.
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Contact us for Prayers.
Do you feel you need healing in your life? The need could be in a relationship, physical healing, or spiritual healing. Jesus wants to heal your life. Please watch the video below prayerfully. We are praying for your healing.
Jesus wants to heal your life:
Jesus wants to pour healing oil on your deep wounds and carry you in his precious arms. We understand the pain and the sorrow you are going through.
But the peace of God, which is beyond human understanding, will surely replace all your sorrow with heavenly joy. We want to pray for you at the end of this message.
Some people decide to end their lives because of underlying depression, fear, and anxiety. Some want to kill themselves because they cannot handle the pressure from creditors, past disappointments, or shame.
There is a satanic chain that ties them up close and chokes them with suicidal thoughts. There are situations in which the human mind can not make a decision, and the decisions made to end their lives were influenced purely by external forces.
Will God punish a soul who decides to end its life due to uncontrollable pressure and emotion? Will God just throw away the precious soul that is more expensive than the whole world into hell?
The heart of God is not trying to choose a binary between heaven and hell. He is a wonderful judge. He is the God who came to earth and died for everyone.
God told Jonah, “Should I not have concern for the great city of Nineveh, in which there are more than a hundred and twenty thousand people who cannot tell their right hand from their left-and also many animals?” He cares for everyone.
The heart of God cries and bleeds for every soul. He is a righteous judge. Simplistic human answers about whether a person will go to heaven and or hell can not be compared with God’s view. God’s decisions are based on His immense wisdom.
His unfathomable knowledge of the human heart and pure love for mankind. The decision of God makes him always right.
All we can conclude is that God is ever-loving, and His decisions are always fair. You will get an opportunity to meet God face-to-face one day.
Job said, “I myself will see him with my own eyes-I, and not another. How my heart yearns within me!”
You, too, will see Him with your own eyes. Jesus will answer all your questions and concerns. Your heart will be well with His answer. You will be at peace with all the answers that come from the mouth of Jesus.
Dear friend, have you lost someone very dear to your heart? Is your heart in pain right now? Please do not worry. Jesus is deeply concerned about your future. He wants to lift you and gel all the broken pieces of your life. He wants to heal your heart right now.
Let’s go to His presence and pray to Jesus. Invite Him to touch your life and heal your heart. Please place your hand on your heart and call upon the name of Jesus. Pray the below prayer along with us from the bottom of your hearts. We want to pray for you.
Dear Jesus, we are praying with our dear brother or sister who has come searching for peace. You are with them right now. They are not alone. May your nail-pierced hands touch them. Jesus, you are the prince of peace. You are the greatest comforter. Where else can they go apart from your glorious presence? You are their God.
They are your precious child. Please come and touch their life. Take away all the sorrow and the hurt. Let their life be filled with your heavenly calm and joy. Wipe away all their tears. Jesus, you are our hope. You hold our destiny. We come and bow before you with our humble hearts.
We praise you and lift your name on high. Please forgive every mistake they have committed in the past. Wash them with your precious blood. Holy Spirit, please comfort them. Heal their heart. Mend all the pieces of their life. Gel them together. Cover them with your compassion and love. We pray in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.
Dear friend, Jesus will lead you. Allow the presence of Jesus to flow through your life. Allow Him to heal you. He is your heavenly father. As you watch the video below, please ask Jesus to heal your life. He will surely do it.
Contact us for Prayers.
Please use the Contact Us form below to send your prayer request. We are here to pray for you.
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Dear friend, Do you want to receive life-changing messages through emails for the next 5 days on how to receive peace in your heart? You can subscribe through the below Journey to Peace form. You can unsubscribe at any time.
Jesus wants to make you His child. Ask for forgiveness for your past life. Jesus can fix the broken pieces in your life. He wants to forgive your past life. He will renew your life and lead you like a father leads His own child. Please humble your heart and pray to Jesus. Do you want to know more? You can read it here =>
Dear reader, are you going through a depression because of the financial crisis? Jesus wants to speak to you. He knows how to calm your mind. You can read more on how to come out of debt here.
Have you lost someone close to your heart and gone through grief? Jesus wants to comfort you.
Jesus wants to heal the negative thoughts in our minds.
Are you going through sickness? Jesus cares for your life. He wants to heal us.
Elijah was a great man. He was the chosen prophet of God. But he himself went through a deep depression. The God who spoke to Elijah and gave him a new purpose wants to talk to you, too.
Are you tired of everything in life? Jesus knows that life on earth is challenging. He is a great comforter, counselor, healer, and savior.