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Live by Faith and Not by Sight




He will call upon Me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble; I will rescue him and honor him. - The Bible

My Dear Friend

I am writing this article to those of you who are struggling with depression and anxiety. Are you one of those who is struggling to come out of depression and anxiety? Are you feeling hopeless due to what's going on in your life? 

Many have written to us about depression in their life. Their life was peaceful once. It was normal. Then there was a life situation that pushed their life into depression. The situation might be because of disappointment or hurt or anything else that had encountered in life that played an important role in flipping the peaceful life into depression. Their mind started thinking about it again and again in an endless loop to the point they could not come out of it. Their dissatisfaction with their own lives and with others grew as time passed. They increasingly found their life hopeless as they failed to overcome the feeling of depression. At this point of hopelessness, they start getting the thoughts of suicide.

For many, the feeling of disappointment and hurt remains fresh in their hearts, even after many years. The repeated recollection of the thought about the past situation that caused the hurt keeps their memory refreshed and the wounds unhealed.

My dear friend, though your life is clouded with disappointments and hurt, Jesus wants to give you hope today. It does not matter what others are thinking about you. Jesus says you are His precious creation. Your friends do not decide your identity, but God does. You don't have to compare your life with your friends and relatives. No one can take away the specially designed destiny God has in store just for you alone. 

If you take a walk through the dense forest for the first time, you may not find any pathway. But if you repeatedly take the same path, the plants and grass in the path will wither and slowly, it will become a footpath. It will become a comfortable path to walk as time progresses. Similarly, psychologist says our brain follows a thought pattern if we repeatedly think about the past situation again and again. It becomes difficult to break the thought pattern. it could be negative thoughts about your difficult past, which you cannot come out of. It settles down as a depressive thought pattern.

Going back to the same forest example, if we stop walking along the footpath for a few days, the leaves will fall on the path and in a matter of days, the footpath will slowly disappear as it gets covered with withered leaves. Similarly, if we can break away from the depressive thought pattern, it will slowly disappear from our life soon. To do that, we need to put our hope on something that is assured never changes and never disappoints us. The bible says Jesus Christ is the hope of this world. He is the hope for you and for me. 

Jesus died on the cross and was resurrected again on the third day so that he can give you a gift of eternal life. Bible says, "Things which the eye has not seen and the ear has not heard, And which have not entered the heart of man, All that God has prepared for those who love Him." Are you ready to believe God's wonderful things God has prepared for you? Are you ready to put your hope on Jesus? Stop looking back at what happened in your past. They do not define your future. 

Even though your mind can give you negative thoughts, keep telling yourself that you are under the promise of God. The arrows may fly across your life. But none will touch you. They may fall at your side, but not on you.

My dear friend, if you have not accepted Christ as your Savior, I would encourage you to reconcile your life to Jesus and start following Him. Place your hand on your chest and believe Jesus can heal you. We are going to pray for your depression. Jesus is going to heal you. Let's pray.

Dear God, Thank you for giving hope in my life. Thank you for forgiving all my past. You have died on the cross to pay for all my past mistakes. Please help me come out of my depressive situation. Help me to focus on the hope and the great future you have for me. I need your peace in my life. Remove all the irritation and comfort me. Let my heart not be looking at my past, but be renewed by the Hope you have given me. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.

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Dear friend, look forward to the glorious eternal hope God has given you through Jesus. Turn your eyes away from the depressive thought pattern. Do not look back. It does not matter what others say or think about you. Start enjoying your life and keep your focus on the wonderful promises God has given you. Let the promise of God bring happiness and joy into your life. As you follow God and start rejoicing in the hope, we pray that your depressive thoughts slowly fade away. You will gain a normal life back. We are praying for you. May God bless you and be with you forever. 

Jesus wants to make you His own child. Ask for forgiveness for your past life. Jesus will forgive you. He will renew your life and lead you like a father leads His own child. Please humble your heart and pray to Jesus. If you want to know how, you can become a child of Jesus, you can read here =>

We are praying for you. Jesus will surely bring peace and joy into your life. He will release you from all your problems. May God bless you and make you a blessing for many.

Have you accepted Christ and want to know how to follow Him? To know more you can read here =>

Note: If you are already meeting professional counselors or psychologists please continue to meet them. We do not intend this article to stop medical support.

We want to pray for you. You can send your prayer requests to by clicking the below Contact Us link. It will open the default email box on your mobile or laptop. Jesus will answer the prayers and heal you from depression. He deeply cares for your future. Believe Him.

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You can read the great testimonies of what Jesus has done for the others who went through similar situation as yours. God can surely do the same for you too. Read the testimonies here to know more about what Jesus can do for you.

Humble your heart before the Lord. Connect with Jesus today. God is waiting for you. Please do not let this time slip away without making a decision to follow Christ.

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