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Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed,” says the Lord, who has compassion on you. – Isaiah 54:10
Are you worried that you have lost everything in life? Are you in a state where you find no meaning to continue? Do you think everything in life is over? Dear Friend, it is not.
A God is searching for you and longing to meet you in times of your need. When you are in need, your friends and relatives might not need you anymore. People who are in need are super heavy baggage for everyone around them except for the loving God. The Bible says that the God who created you would never leave or forsake you. He was there waiting for you all the time. He is waiting for you right now in times of your need. God cares for you. When we are satisfied, we do not find the need for God. We never thought about him. We did not care for him. But God loved us so much that he gave us his only son, Jesus Christ, to die for all our mistakes.
Dear Friend, your life is not over. It’s going to have a new beginning. The potter knows the reason why he is creating a pot. The Artist had the beauty of the image conceived in his mind before even starting his drawing. Our God knew the reason for your life before you were conceived in the mother’s womb. He thought about you, and he created you beautifully and wonderfully. How beautiful a story would be if the author of the story came before us and explained to us the purpose of our life? Isn’t God the author and creator of our life. He wants to talk to you right now.
Dear friend, Has your life faltered because of your choices and decisions? Are you blaming God right now for everything that happened in life? God wants to fix the issues in your life. You lose nothing until you lose the creator of your life. It’s not very difficult to find your creator.
God says, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me.
– Revelation 3:20
God is standing and gently knocking on your heart’s door. Are you willing to open the door and invite him right now? God Says, Do Not Fear, For I Am With You; Do Not Be Dismayed, For I Am Your God. I Will Strengthen You And Help You; I Will Uphold You With My Righteous Right Hand. When God holds your right hand, you don’t have to be afraid about your life’s problems. He will help you and restore your past.
Dear friend, place your hand on your heart before we start praying. God will surely listen to your prayers, fill your heart with peace right now, and answer your prayers. Believe Him. Shall we call out to God?
Dear God, I have lost everything in life. I don’t know what to do. I don’t have many who are willing to help me right now. I need help. Please help me. I surrender my life to you. I have made mistakes in the past. I made the wrong choices and decisions without consulting you. God, please forgive me. Wash my past mistakes with your precious blood. My eyes are looking at you for help. You alone are my helper. Please show me the way I should walk. Teach me what I should do. Be my God and lead me for the rest of my life. I put my hope and trust in you. I believe you can help. I pray and surrender my life to you. Please forgive my past. Wash me with your precious blood. Please help me not to make the same mistakes I did before. Strengthen me. Be my master and my king. In Jesus’s name, I pray. Amen.
We are praying for you. Jesus will bring peace and joy to your life and release you from all your problems. May God bless you and make you a blessing for many.
Jesus wants to make you His child. Ask for forgiveness for your past life. Jesus will forgive you. He will renew your life and lead you like a father who leads his own child. Please humble your heart and pray to Jesus.
Though our situation seems hopeless, Jesus can give us hope and open new doors. To know more, you can read here =>
Have you accepted Christ and want to know how to follow Him? To know more, you can read here =>
Dear friend, Jesus has listened to your prayer. He will surely answer it. Please seek Him and follow Him with all your heart. We are praying for you. May God bless you and make you a blessing for many.
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