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Do not be anxious – My true story





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My dear friend, Is your situation making you feel anxious right now? Let me share some of the anxious moments I had gone through and how God helped me come out of them. God can do the same in your life too. 

One day, as I was walking back home from the office, suddenly, one side of my body went numb. I also could not speak. But my body and brain recovered over the next twenty minutes. Initially, the doctors doubted I went through a possible mild stroke. They asked me to take an MRI, blood test, and CT scan. I was told that I have one of the seven diseases, which include cancer, Brain infection, and so on, etc. But none of them are curable. 

Later diagnosis along with other symptoms pointed to the initial stages of lymphoid Brain cancer. The only way to get clarity was to do a tissue sampling surgery. As part of this procedure, a few holes will be drilled through my skull to collect the brain samples. The surgery has its own risks and side effects. The doctor explained to me if they could not conclude on firm diagnostics, then the next step was to open my skull to check the possible issues in the brain. If the diagnosis points to cancer, I would have to start chemotherapy and radiotherapy immediately. It was an anxious moment. I thought I have very limited time to live.

Three days before all these happened. We had a family prayer time at our home. We picked an old song with the following words. 

He (Jesus) will never let me go. 

Though the storm may come and the sea may roar, 

He will never let me go. 

I knew the outcome and diagnosis of the Brain sample surgery will have a major impact on my life. I was taken to the operation theatre. The doctors connected all the tubes. Right at that moment, Jesus reminded me of the song we sang as a family three days back. “He will never let me go. The Storm may come, and the sea may roar. But my God will never let me go.” What a wonderful song it is. I was holding on to this song. The anesthesia made me unconscious without my knowledge.

I did not know what happened post that. When I got my consciousness back, I was in ICU. I heard a loud voice telling me, “This is the presence of God. Declare His name”. I was still recovering back from my anesthesia. My words came forcefully without my control. I felt like someone plucking the words out of my mouth. I started praising the name of Jesus. That was a marvelous presence of God around me. It was glorious. I just can not explain His glory. I started shouting in the ICU this is the presence of God and He is here. I repeated it several times. Jesus showed me how beautifully he guarded me all along during the surgery. When I can not see and when I can not move during the surgery, God showed me he was in control all throughout. He never let me go. The sea was roaring all around me and there was a storm in my life. But my God never let me go. 

Few days after my surgery doctors concluded it was not cancer or any one of the seven diseases they initially thought. But I was diagnosed with a rare disease (which has no medical cure) that can be managed through life long medicines. I took medicines for the last three years. I was put on a heavy steroid. Life was not easy under steroids. My body smelt bad. My face got bloated. I could not sleep due to the side effects. I slept for very few hours and God gave me the strength to still manage my job in the office. I struggled my way through life. I walked like a dead man with very few hours sleep. But Jesus was with me giving me strength and motivation to continue. I was tired and had very little energy. But over the years Doctors reduced my dosage and my life almost came back to normal.

One day, I prayed about my treatment and finally decided to stop the medicines. I would not advice you to do it unless you have clear direction from God. 

Over the three years, Jesus got hold of me, and I ended up much closer to Him than ever before. I sought him with all my heart during my sleepless nights. I have nothing else to do. My family was sleeping. The ministry of BelieveHim.org was born because of the burden Jesus has put in my heart during this period. It was God who gave me the vision to reach out to those who are going through similar anxiety as mine. The heart of Jesus cries for those who suffer in pain. The message that Jesus loves them and He can change their future is the only message we communicate. If you are reading this in the midst of your anxious journey in life, you are not alone. Jesus is with you. 

All through my life, Jesus was good to me through the ups and downs. In my good times, I gave praises to Him. In my difficult time, I went to His presence to learn lessons from Him. But Jesus has His own way to bring me out. He will bring you out of your problems too. Do not be discouraged. It’s your time to go to His presence and spend time with Him.  

My dear friend, are you anxious about your life? Are you in a difficult situation right now? Is there a storm around your life? Are you worried about your job, debt, health, or any other problems? God can take care of you as he did in my life. He is much bigger than your problems. He is the God who created you. Surrender your life to him. Seek Him with all your heart. 

We are going to pray to Jesus now. Place your hand on your heart and believe in Jesus. Believe that Jesus can heal you. Believe Jesus is going to calm your heart and fill your heart with peace.

Dear Jesus, I need healing in my heart and soul. You know the difficult situation I am going through. Jesus, I need your help right now. I am sorry I did not seek you before. Please forgive all my past mistakes. Wash me with your precious blood. I have done many mistakes knowingly and unknowingly. You are my God. Where else i will go for solution. You alone can heal my thoughts. You alone can make life well. I am coming to you with a humble and contrite heart. Take away all my anxiety. Please fill my heart with your heavenly peace. I have questions about my life and my future. I know you have the answers to all my questions. Jesus, please change my life. Fill my life with joy and heavenly peace. Come into my heart. I pray in Jesus’s name, Amen.

Dear Friend, Jesus wants to make you His own child. Ask for forgiveness for your past life. Jesus will forgive you. He will renew your life and lead you like a father lead His own child. Please humble you heart and pray to Jesus. If you want to know how you can become a child of Jesus, you can read here =>

Dear friend, Jesus has listened to your prayer. He will surely answer it. Please seek Him and follow Him with all your heart. We are praying for you. May God bless you and make you a blessing for many.

Have you accepted Christ and want to know how to follow Him? To know more you can read here =>

We are praying for you. Jesus will surely bring peace and joy in your life. He will release you from all your problems. May God bless you and make you a blessing for many.

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If you have a prayer request, please contact us. You can also write to us directly at [email protected]. We are here to pray for you. May God Bless you.

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You can read the great testimonies of what Jesus has done for the others who went through similar situation as yours. God can surely do the same for you too. Read the testimonies here to know more about what Jesus can do for you.

Humble your heart before the Lord. Connect with Jesus today. God is waiting for you. Please do not let this time slip away without making a decision to follow Christ.

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