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Are you Depressed? How to Overcome Depression with God’s Help?




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Are you going through a difficult situation in your life? In the video below, I want to share my true story about how Jesus brought me out of the difficult situation I had gone through. May Jesus speak to you personally as you watch the video below and answer your prayers. We are praying for you.

The eyes of the Lord search the whole earth in order to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him. – 2 Chronicles 16:9 NLT

Dear Friend, Are you always sad and tired of life? Are you feeling left alone and rejected? You are not alone. Over 100 million people go through what you are going through in life. Most of us go through this situation at least once in our lives. 

i have gone through difficult and anxious moments in my life. I have shared the same in the below video and Jesus heped me to come out of it. .

We live in a high-stress situation. Our hearts get depressed because of financial debt or any of the life-changing experiences such as the loss of a job, divorce, relationship issues, sickness, or even the loss of a loved one.

Many go through a period of stress during these situations. But most of them can come out of it and continue life beyond. If a person cannot escape the situation, continuous negative thoughts will start affecting the mental and physical ability to live a quality life.

Well, life has its difficulties. Nobody’s life is without problems. Everybody has burdens and worries about the future. How can we overcome them?

We are not counselors or doctors, but we offer a prayer to overcome depression for everyone willing to believe in God. At the end of this message, we will pray together. Prayer has the power to heal and transform people’s lives. You can read the testimonies section to learn how prayers have transformed many who have gone through situations similar to yours.

As you continue to read, you can send your prayer request by clicking the below button. It will open your default mailbox. We will pray for you.

If you are experiencing depression, you are not alone. Many great men of God have gone through similar paths, but Jesus was able to bring them out. Watch the video that composes the great men of God’s prayers during the Depression.

Be Connected with God: 

God created us. We lose our purpose when we move away from the creator, and our lives lose their meaning when God is not with us. To find our purpose, we need to move back to the creator.

He alone can provide meaning and purpose. You might think there is no solution right now for your problem, but God can open the way for you.  

Spending time with God by reading His scripture and praying to Him is our lifeline for peace and happiness. It helps us to know what God wants us to do. Jesus said, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest“.

We are the children of the most high God. He wants to fill our lives with peace. Jesus wants to heal all the broken pieces of our hearts. Are we ready to run to Jesus’ arms today?

Jesus is waiting for everyone like a father who waits for His children to return to Him. You can read here to know how to connect with Jesus by asking forgiveness for past mistakes. Jesus Wants to Forgive the Past

Real people wrote these testimonies on their experiences to glorify the name of Jesus, who helped them in their time of need. They did not spend any money or travel to a distant place to receive the miracle. They called upon the name of the Lord and received their answers.

The same God who helped others can also do a miracle in your life. We have published these testimonies to increase the faith of those losing hope to face the future.

Your life is precious. Independent of your past life, Jesus loves you and cares for your future. Do not lose hope.

As you continue reading, please let us know if you want us to contact you over the next few days with encouraging emails and prayers. If so, you can fill out the form below. If you are not interested, you may skip to the bottom. We want to take a minute to pray with you at the end of this message.

Live by faith and not by sight:

Living by faith is easier said than done. When the situation is not positive and the odds are totally against us, how can we put our faith in the unseen God? Friend, start with small things. The Bible says, “Taste and see that the Lord is Good.

We need to start somewhere. As you learn to trust Him and taste His goodness, you will never go away to another source. You can start your journey right now. Right at the place where you are.

Do not look at your situation, but look at the God who is bigger than the situation. God can surely hold your hands and take you through the difficult situation you face right now. Do not get discouraged by looking at the storm. 

Be connected with people you love:

Independent of the situation, we need to be connected with our friends and relatives. Do not shut them off because of their situation. It will be difficult to share, for example, losing a job with close friends.

It might create identity issues. But let that not stop us from connecting with friends. We all are social animals. We need to connect with people, and our relationships should stay healthy to survive. Jesus can heal your marriage relationship. 

Overcome the Fear of the Future:

Dear friend, one of the main ways the enemy attacks our minds is by creating fear. Fear can enter our minds without reason. When we do not place the future in God’s most trusted hands, the enemy Satan will toy with our emotions to create fear about the future.

God says, “Do Not Fear, For I Am With You; Do Not Be Dismayed, For I Am Your God. I Will Strengthen You And Help You; I Will Uphold You With My Righteous Right Hand”. We have indirect control over our future when we trust and place the future in God’s hands.

The Bible says, “If you make the Lord your refuge, if you make the Most High your shelter, no evil will conquer you; no plague will come near your home. For he will order his angels to protect you wherever you go. They will hold you up with their hands so you won’t even hurt your foot on a stone”

God knows how to take care of the future. He knows how to protect us from harm. Do not worry. You don’t have to fear when Jesus is your anchor.

Forgive Others:

Did anybody hurt you in the past, either through words or actions? It’s time to forgive them. Forgiving others is not a simple task. Forgiveness is an attribute of God. Hence, God can help us forgive those who caused hurt in our past lives.

Some of you might have experienced deep disappointments or even losses. The person who hurt you might have been a close friend, relative, or family member.

Forgiving your past will give you great freedom over deep negative emotions. But forgiving the past is not always easy. Jesus taught us this prayer as a sample: “Forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us.” It isn’t easy, but God will help us. 

Prayer for depression:

We are going to pray for the depression. God wants to help you today. Surrender your life to Him. He will make it fresh. Place your hand on your heart and believe Jesus can heal you. We are going to pray together. Jesus is going to heal you. Let’s pray.

Dear Jesus, You know the nagging thoughts that make me sad. Please help me overcome them. I want to live a life of freedom. Please forgive all the mistakes I have made. Wash me with your precious blood. Thanks for dying on the cross for my mistakes.

Thank you for loving me. Captivate my thoughts. Take away all the negative thoughts from my mind. I want to be your child.

I don’t want to get stuck in depression. Help me forgive others. I can not do it myself. I need your help.

Please fill my life with peace and joy. By filling my heart with your wonderful promises, I want to relax in your presence. Help me overcome depression.

Heal my heart. Please lead me. Hold my hand and walk with me. Forgive my past mistakes. Wash my heart and make me new. I do not want to make the same mistakes I have made before.

Be my God and take me through these hard times. Please guide me. Thank you for healing me right now. I believe I am healed by your precious name. In Jesus’s name, I pray. Amen.

We are praying for you. Jesus will surely bring peace and joy in your life and release you from all your problems. May God bless you and make you a blessing for many. 

Have you accepted Christ and want to know how to follow Him? To know more, you can read here =>

Dear Friend, you can overcome depression. Everyone goes through it, and it is part of human emotion. Even great men like Elijah went through depression.

Dear reader, Are you depressed because of the financial crisis? Jesus wants to speak to you. He knows how to calm your mind. You can read more about how to get out of debt here.

Have you lost someone close to your heart and going through grief right now? Jesus wants to comfort you.

Jesus wants to heal the negative thoughts in our minds. 

Are you going through sickness? Jesus cares for your life. He wants to heal us.

Are you tired of everything in life? Jesus knows that life on earth is challenging. He is a great comforter, counselor, healer, and savior. 

Are you checking your thoughts?

Hope Amid Hopelessness

What do I do when I am tired of life?

4 thoughts on “Are you Depressed? How to Overcome Depression with God’s Help?”

  1. I am a sickle cell patient and I just don’t want to be a burden. Although my mum is a teacher , I don’t know how I will go to the university and we are currently in a house we rent . My parents are currently fighting while I watch other families happy. I believe in Jesus but my faith is now wavering. I will sit for my WAEC this year and I am thinking of applying for a scholarship but I am worried about my WAEC results.
    We are moving from one house to the other because we don’t have one.

    • Dear Deborah, Jesus loves you. He cares for your future dearly. He wants to fill your home with peace. Please invite Jesus into your home. Ask Him to lead your family. He will surely mend all the broken pieces of your family. Do not worry. Commit all your ways to Him. He is your heavenly father. He will surely lead you do not worry.

      We are praying for you. Keep in touch.

      Searching for Peace? God wants to speak to you.

  2. Thank you for your reply email, thank you for your help, I told my counsellor that I had very strong feelings for her, and that I mastruebate towards her, hopefully this will put a stop to my compulsive mastruebation , I was reading your email about getting to know God our Lord Jesus christ I don’t fully understand, or believe everything about him, I think that the downfall, I was born a Catholic, I went to a bible study last evening, they are Christians thanks again Tom Connaughton


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You can read the great testimonies of what Jesus has done for the others who went through similar situation as yours. God can surely do the same for you too. Read the testimonies here to know more about what Jesus can do for you.

Humble your heart before the Lord. Connect with Jesus today. God is waiting for you. Please do not let this time slip away without making a decision to follow Christ.

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